Week 1: e-Science Portal for New England Librarians
Thursday, August 15, 2013
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time
#medlibs Twitter chat
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Join your colleagues for the first of a five week series presented by the University of Massachusetts Medical School Lamar Soutter Library eligible for Medical Library Association Continuing Education hours (more on that at the bottom of this post) where we will be discussing the e-Science Portal for New England Librarians ( and the e-Science Community blog
On this first night of the series, Donna Kafel will officially guest host on her Twitter account (
@dmkafel) but will mention
@NERescience and how it is used to communicate news/events and relevant information. Topics Donna plans to cover include:
The portal's purpose--to provide librarians with the tools, knowledge
and skills to effectively participate in networked science.
The portal's intended audience: librarians working in research
organizations that generate, share, store and/or use data for basic scientific research in the health, biological, and physical sciences. Donna will also note that we will be revising the portal scope statement to include library/ischool students in addition to working librarians.
Key sections of the portal where librarians can access specific
information such as Funders' requirements, research lifecycles, repositories,
courses and professional development opportunities, and the e-Science
Community blog . The blog provides information on upcoming news and events and provides a platform for reviews and commentaries.
4. "Events for New England Librarians" that are posted on the home page of the portal and discuss them: the annual e-Science symposium, professional development days, and the Science Boot Camp.
5. Their editorial board's plans to restructure the portal so that librarians who are doing specific work such as data management consulting, developing data repositories, or teaching research data management can easily find the tools they need.
The five week schedule includes:
August 15th: Donna Kafel e-Science portal
August 22nd: Kevin Read e-Science thesaurus
August 29th: Andrew Creamer New England Collaborative Data Management Curriculum
Sept. 5: Sally Gore Role of the informationist on research teams
Sept. 12:Lisa Palmer & Kate Thornhill Institutional repositoriesand open access
Medical Library Association Continuing Education (MLA CE) Hours
by Nikki Dettmar @eagledawg
Interested in earning between 5 to 8 hours of MLA CE (sorry,
no partial hours awarded) for participation in the #medlibs eScience series for free to $5? Please register
at this link during the series (now through September 12th). The registration link has specific details on what actions participants need to take in order for CE hours to be awarded.
Why so many variables? As most of us know how vacation schedules go during the month of August, some specifics are still being worked out with the Medical Library Association but one thing is certain: I have applied for and MLA has pre-approved this eScience series for CE, which is a very new and exciting development I am thrilled to announce. Any costs collected would go directly to MLA per the specifications of their
Discussion Group Program. I am volunteering my time as convener for all program coordination, verification of participation, administration of evaluations and issuance of CE on my own non-work time because I believe so strongly in this new venue of professional development for our field.
I will update with more specific details when they are known, and thanks for your support!