Next chat is January 9, 2014!
Crystal Ball 2013: What's the Future Hold?
Thursday, December 18, 2013
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time
#medlibs Twitter chat
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This year has brought a profound amount of professional change for me (Nikki Dettmar @eagledawg) as I hit the 5 year mark for my library career. In my own crystal ball I realized I wasn't getting any younger, my passion and vision for online learning was growing stronger, and this fall I hauled myself back to grad school to start a second Masters in Learning Technologies. Today I started a new part time job as an evaluation librarian where I'll be able to put much of what I'm learning to immediate use. Why would I subject myself to this much insanity at once? Because I can easily envision a future that doesn't quite exist integrating librarianship and information resources with instructional design in online learning, and want to work towards making it become a reality.
Let's get together Thursday night and discuss what you see in the crystal ball for 2014 and beyond -
- What do you see as the future for medical librarianship? (revisit our May 2013 chat on this topic)
- How about for the future of medical libraries?
- Have you identified some sacred library cowsto slaughter?
- Maybe found opportunities for collaboration, such as our combined medical librarians & medical educators chat?
- Remember One Health in Boston this year? How will you build your information future in Chicago next year?
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