
#medlibs is an abbreviation for medical librarians, a supportive online community for the health information sciences field and all those who are interested in learning more about it. We are not limited to those who have 'librarian' in their job titles, and especially welcome students and international participation - diversity is needed for our field to thrive.

Have a question or would like to lead a future #medlibs chat session? Tweet using the #medlibs hashtag and/or preface it to the #medlibs coordinators Patricia Anderson @pfanderson, Patricia Devine @pat_devine or Sola Whitehead @openpeonie and let's chat!

There is ongoing asynchronous discussion on Twitter using the #medlibs hashtag around health sciences topics, the latest news in the field, journal clubs, presentations about current projects and more.

Our first #medlibs chat was held on June 21, 2012 and coordinated weekly through March 2016 by emeritus moderator Nikki Dettmar @nikdett. In April 2016 we met on the first Thursday evening of each month then retired the scheduled chat that September.

Mentions and Reviews of #medlibs

Library Journal| LJ Reviews newsletter (May 1, 2014) by Henrietta Verma -
Excerpt: For a more structured experience, you can (again, for free!) join the many library-related, regularly scheduled Twitter chats that have sprung up... More specific again are meetings such as #medlibs and #TLChat, for medical librarians and teacher-librarians, respectively. And the list goes on.
MLA News May 2013: Blogs to Follow (members only) by Kelly Gonzalez - Excerpt: I publicly congratulate Dettmar and Kraft for keeping the conversation going after MLA ’12. Over the years, many of us have had such intentions after the annual meeting, and now it has finally been accomplished using the social media tool Twitter. I encourage more MLA members to join the conversation. 

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