Edit: Transcript at http://bit.ly/1berRPB
Thursday, November 7th, is our inaugural #medlibs Journal Club chat! We've never done this and I have never led one before so it'll be a great experiment.
Thursday, November 7th, is our inaugural #medlibs Journal Club chat! We've never done this and I have never led one before so it'll be a great experiment.
In preparation for
Thursday's chat, try to read the following article:
Whitney W, Dutcher GA, Keselman A. Evaluation of health information outreach: theory, practice, and future direction. J Med Libr Assoc. 2013 Apr; 101(2):138-146. doi: 10.3163/1536-5050.101.2.009. PMCID PMC3634377. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3634377/. Accessed October 29, 2013.
Why was this article chosen?
- During our open discussion last month, someone wanted to discuss outreach. What a great article to analyze in support of this topic!
- When I mentioned this article to @eagledawg, she checked and confirmed that Wanda Whitney @bibliotecari08 would also be interested in participating in the chat! How awesome is it to have one of the authors of the article talk about their article and give additional insights? (We're also trying to see if any of the other co-authors are able to attend.)
- This article was pre-approved by the MLA for 1 MLA CE contact hour in the MLA Independent Reading Program (IRP).
- xx:05 or xx:10pm - Facts (strengths/weaknesses of outreach identified in the article, barriers discovered in outreach projects, what directions were recommended, etc).
- xx:30pm - Interpretation. (Agree with terms searched? Have you used/considered the theoretical frameworks mentioned? Were they successful or not when you utilized them? What other measurable variables could we consider?)
- xx:50pm - Wrap-up (After reading this article, can you apply these findings to your own work or research? What implications did this article provide you regarding health information initiatives?)
If our Journal Club chat is a success, I think we can make this a quarterly discussion. (3 MLA CE Contact Hours a year can be obtained with IRP.) Have a good 'read' and get ready to critique and talk about how this article may impact your work practice. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday's #medlibs chat!
Never participated in a Twitter #medlibs chat before? Check out this overview and come on in, we're a supportive community. See you Thursday November 7, 9pm EST/6pm PST.
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