Edit: Transcript http://bit.ly/13FwsOD
NLM Georgia Biomedical Informatics Course
Thursday, December 18, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Join us this Thursday as we discuss the most recent NLM Georgia Biomedical Informatics Course and the value of such learning opportunities for medical librarians and other informaticians. For many years, this course was held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, but as of last fall it has a new home in the north Georgia mountains and new hosts from the Greenblatt Library at Georgia Regents University. The first Georgia course took place last September with fourteen medical librarians in attendance along with several healthcare providers, researchers, and health systems administrators.
This course is taught by nationally renowned experts in biomedical informatics, who also happen to be very friendly and approachable! Topics included controlled vocabularies, mathematical modeling, electronic health records, meaningful use, disaster information, and information visualization, to name just a few. There were also gummy bears, rocking chairs, zombies, golf carts, big turtles, and constellations. You can read more about the course here, and you may also want to read what some librarians thought of a previous course.
Alison Aldrich (@aldricham) participated in the fall course and will be your host this week, and hopefully a few of her classmates will join in as well. If you are reading this and have questions in advance, please leave them in the comments so we can better prepare for Thursday night. See you then!
UPDATE: Here is a summary presentation I put together for my OSU colleagues a few weeks ago. Keep in mind this is just a sampling of content. Boiling down a week of intensive training into a 45 minute overview was a challenge, so we'll see how 60 minutes, 140 characters at a time goes ;)
Monday, December 15, 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014
Medical Terminology
Edit: Transcript http://bit.ly/12TGnPa
Medical Terminology for Librarians
Thursday, December 11, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Thursday, December 11, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Join Margaret (@mehlibrarian) and Mike (@mscully66) for an introduction to medical terminology, Thursday, December 11, 9PM ET.
It may seem as if medical terminology is used to obscure, but it is actually used to clarify and to specify. Once you know the basics, it helps when the MD requesting a literature search presumes you know his terminology.
Most medical terms are constructed from roots, prefixes and suffixes, usually Latin or Greek:
- neuro- , append- ,- plasm, ortho- , athero-, pedi-, geriat- , podia-, tibia-
- intra- , inter-, hypo- , hyper-, endo- , neo-
- -ectomy, -otomy, -osis, -itis
Unlike regular dictionaries, medical dictionaries, for example this one from mediLexicon, include such roots, prefixes and suffixes, such as “intra-“, so they can be used as resources to deconstruct and then reconstruct words.
MedlinePlus also has a medical dictionary plus a tutorial on understanding medical words
It can also help to have to have a couple of medical guides on hand. Some guides are available through subscriptions like AccessMedicine - Clinician’s Pocket Reference, for example. But you might also find print guides handy as well. Internal Medicine Clerkship Guide (Mosby) and Wards 101 pocket: Clinician’s Survival Guide are both helpful to learn more about tests and terminology related to different specialties.
If you have questions about medical terminology, please join us. If you have a favorite resource, please come and share it.
Maybe you have a tried and true way to ask about an unknown topic without looking like an idiot. We’d love to hear it.
See you Thursday.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Google Glass Capstone
Edit: Transcript http://bit.ly/1AoEeXL
Google Glass Capstone
Thursday, December 4th 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Host: Kimberley Barker @KR_Barker
Hi, everyone!
I hope that you'll join in on the chat at 9PM Eastern, as I share the experience of working on a Google Glass capstone in the Health System at the University of Virginia.
If you're not familiar with Glass, have a look at these resources:
Wikipedia article
Google Glass: What it does
There are many concerns regarding Glass and privacy, with Glass having been banned by some places.
Below is a list of articles that are worthwhile reading on the topic:
Google Glass Doesn't Have a Privacy Problem. You Do.
72% of Americans Refuse Google Glass over Privacy Concerns
Google Glass Users Fight Privacy Fears
Capstone Background
I was invited to be a part of this capstone by Dr. Forest Calland, whom I met during my time in the Leadership and Academic Matters program. Also on the team is a Systems Engineering professor, and four 4th Year engineering students. The group began meeting at the end of September, with two two-hour sessions per week. I am only able to attend one of them because - hello, real life!- I have to pick my son up from school and the Tuesday meeting is from 4PM-6PM. The Friday meeting is from 2PM-4PM, which fits much better with my 7:30AM-4PM workday :)
Capstone Goals/Processes
The capstone's goals and processes have shifted somewhat, as we took some time to work out exactly what it was that we wanted to accomplish, and then how best to go about that. Our basic goal is to investigate whether or not learning, standard work, and training in the Health System can be improved through the use of Glass. The Systems Engineering professor and clinician have worked together on many projects over the last decade. They are both passionate about patient safety, and are hopeful that Glass (and the tutorial app that we are creating for it) can be used to bolster it- this ties in nicely with the Health Systems new-ish Be Safe initiative.
Team Roles
The Systems Engineering professor has tons of experience with designing and implementing projects, IRB, setting up studies, publishing, etc. She also takes the lead on directing the work of the students, who are doing the heavy-lifting with coding the app. The clinician of course provides his years of experience in various healthcare settings. My role is to perform lit searches, as well as current news articles. I believe that I also serve the team as someone who knows enough about technology to be up-to-speed on the device itself, but is ignorant enough about coding and systems that I ask questions that "normal people" (other clinicians, etc) might ask. I like to believe that this is helpful when we're discussing design issues.
The Experience So Far
I wrote about my initial impressions of Glass on my blog back in November .
Besides the amazing discussions in which I am fortunate to engage on Fridays, the coolest experience has been when the students and I had the opportunity to observe a surgery in order that we might get a better sense of how Glass should usefully function in an operating room (there's a photo of us below, taken with Glass- I'm the short one, and no: I am NOT trussed up in a straitjacket!).
Hopefully, this gives you some useful background for the chat :)
See you at 9PM!
Google Glass Capstone
Thursday, December 4th 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Host: Kimberley Barker @KR_Barker
Hi, everyone!
I hope that you'll join in on the chat at 9PM Eastern, as I share the experience of working on a Google Glass capstone in the Health System at the University of Virginia.
If you're not familiar with Glass, have a look at these resources:
Wikipedia article
Google Glass: What it does
There are many concerns regarding Glass and privacy, with Glass having been banned by some places.
Below is a list of articles that are worthwhile reading on the topic:
Google Glass Doesn't Have a Privacy Problem. You Do.
This organization also provides some interesting reading on the steps that are being taken in response to Glass (N.B. This EPIC is not the EMR).
72% of Americans Refuse Google Glass over Privacy Concerns
Google Glass Users Fight Privacy Fears
Capstone Background
I was invited to be a part of this capstone by Dr. Forest Calland, whom I met during my time in the Leadership and Academic Matters program. Also on the team is a Systems Engineering professor, and four 4th Year engineering students. The group began meeting at the end of September, with two two-hour sessions per week. I am only able to attend one of them because - hello, real life!- I have to pick my son up from school and the Tuesday meeting is from 4PM-6PM. The Friday meeting is from 2PM-4PM, which fits much better with my 7:30AM-4PM workday :)
Capstone Goals/Processes
The capstone's goals and processes have shifted somewhat, as we took some time to work out exactly what it was that we wanted to accomplish, and then how best to go about that. Our basic goal is to investigate whether or not learning, standard work, and training in the Health System can be improved through the use of Glass. The Systems Engineering professor and clinician have worked together on many projects over the last decade. They are both passionate about patient safety, and are hopeful that Glass (and the tutorial app that we are creating for it) can be used to bolster it- this ties in nicely with the Health Systems new-ish Be Safe initiative.
Team Roles
The Systems Engineering professor has tons of experience with designing and implementing projects, IRB, setting up studies, publishing, etc. She also takes the lead on directing the work of the students, who are doing the heavy-lifting with coding the app. The clinician of course provides his years of experience in various healthcare settings. My role is to perform lit searches, as well as current news articles. I believe that I also serve the team as someone who knows enough about technology to be up-to-speed on the device itself, but is ignorant enough about coding and systems that I ask questions that "normal people" (other clinicians, etc) might ask. I like to believe that this is helpful when we're discussing design issues.
The Experience So Far
I wrote about my initial impressions of Glass on my blog back in November .
Besides the amazing discussions in which I am fortunate to engage on Fridays, the coolest experience has been when the students and I had the opportunity to observe a surgery in order that we might get a better sense of how Glass should usefully function in an operating room (there's a photo of us below, taken with Glass- I'm the short one, and no: I am NOT trussed up in a straitjacket!).
Hopefully, this gives you some useful background for the chat :)
See you at 9PM!
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Quantified Self Chat
Edit: Transcript http://bit.ly/1tmYy6b
Thursday, November 20th 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Host: Marie Ascher @mascher
The Quantified Self: self-knowledge through self-tracking. What does that mean? Check out this 5 minute TED talk
We may all be participating whether we know it or not in a movement called "the quantified self." How many of us use apps or wear devices to track our eating habits, exercise, sleep, other health indicators such as blood pressure and external factors such as air quality? Have you had your genome sequenced? Might you want to quantify your baby's naps and nappy changes?
Join #medlibs on Twitter during this chat where we will discuss this trend, devices and apps of interest, and potential concerns and benefits of quantifying yourself!
Thursday, November 20th 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Host: Marie Ascher @mascher
The Quantified Self: self-knowledge through self-tracking. What does that mean? Check out this 5 minute TED talk
We may all be participating whether we know it or not in a movement called "the quantified self." How many of us use apps or wear devices to track our eating habits, exercise, sleep, other health indicators such as blood pressure and external factors such as air quality? Have you had your genome sequenced? Might you want to quantify your baby's naps and nappy changes?
Join #medlibs on Twitter during this chat where we will discuss this trend, devices and apps of interest, and potential concerns and benefits of quantifying yourself!
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Top Tech Trends Chat
Thursday, November 13, 2014
9 pm Eastern/6 pm Pacific
Host: Emily Hurst (@hurstej)
Interested in the Internet of Things? Obsessed with wearables? Preparing for 3D bio-printing?
If you never miss the Top Tech Trends panel presentation at the annual Medical Library Association meeting you won’t want to miss this lively discussion Thursday 9pm Eastern on the #medlibs hashtag. Technology plays a big role in our jobs as information professionals, is constantly evolving, and new technology is often quickly integrated into health and medical practice. New technologies are also being used to support medical education. Join in this chat to learn more about some of the top tech trends other Medical Librarians are using around the country.
Discussion topics will include places to find out about technology including the Horizon Report (http://www.nmc.org/horizon-project/horizon-reports) for education and the Gartner Hype Cycle (http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2819918) for quickly emerging trends as well as sharing about the latest technologies medical librarians and their clients are using for both education and health improvement purposes.
Emily (@hustej) is currently the Technology Coordinator at the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central Region in Houston, Texas. She has been teaching, training, and spreading the word about emerging technology trends for over four years.
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ooooh, Oogle Goggles... |
If you never miss the Top Tech Trends panel presentation at the annual Medical Library Association meeting you won’t want to miss this lively discussion Thursday 9pm Eastern on the #medlibs hashtag. Technology plays a big role in our jobs as information professionals, is constantly evolving, and new technology is often quickly integrated into health and medical practice. New technologies are also being used to support medical education. Join in this chat to learn more about some of the top tech trends other Medical Librarians are using around the country.
Discussion topics will include places to find out about technology including the Horizon Report (http://www.nmc.org/horizon-project/horizon-reports) for education and the Gartner Hype Cycle (http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2819918) for quickly emerging trends as well as sharing about the latest technologies medical librarians and their clients are using for both education and health improvement purposes.
Emily (@hustej) is currently the Technology Coordinator at the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central Region in Houston, Texas. She has been teaching, training, and spreading the word about emerging technology trends for over four years.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Scholarly Communication and the Medical Librarian
Edit: Transcript available at http://bit.ly/1x9KWQp
authors’ rights
open access
institutional repositories
rights to federally funded research - articles and data
data management
models of publishing
economics of scholarly resources
usage metrics
Join us to discuss the questions you have had in these areas, and how you resolved those questions. Or maybe the group can help with some answers.
If you want to learn more, take a look through these organization and library websites related to scholarly communication.
Medical Library Association
Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries
National Network of Libraries of Medicine (for smaller health science libraries)
Association of Research Libraries
Association of College and Research Libraries
Columbia University
Duke University
University of Central Florida
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Scholarly Communication chat
Thursday, November 4, 2014
9 pm Eastern/6 pm Pacific
Host: Margaret Henderson (@mehlibrarian)
In the past, Scholarly Communication generally encompassed how research was disseminated, i.e. scholarly publishing, and maybe a little on how scholars share amongst themselves. Now, Scholarly Communication impacts all areas of scholarship, covering a diverse array of services that help people share information. Scholarly Communication groups are often based in libraries and their areas of expertise could include any or all of the following:
Join us to discuss the questions you have had in these areas, and how you resolved those questions. Or maybe the group can help with some answers.
If you want to learn more, take a look through these organization and library websites related to scholarly communication.
Medical Library Association
Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries
National Network of Libraries of Medicine (for smaller health science libraries)
Association of Research Libraries
Association of College and Research Libraries
Columbia University
Duke University
University of Central Florida
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
All About ORCID
Edit: Transcript at http://bit.ly/1uaIx9U
ORCID and Libraries Chat
Thursday, October 30, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Host: Kristi Holmes (@kristiholmes)
Hey #medlibs! As you all know, the issue of unique scholarly identifiers is one that has been of interest to our crowd for a long while. Join us on Twitter on Thursday, October 30th at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific to talk about probably the most well-known and broadly accepted, ORCID! What's ORCID, you ask? ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized. (Thanks, orcid.org!) This week we'll chat about some of the basics and hear from colleagues who are actively involved with ORCID projects.
Please share your projects, bring your questions, and settle in for the discussion.
If you want to get a jump start on the fun, ORCID is hosting a webinar the same morning of our #medlibs chat (Oct 30th at 8am Eastern - a bit hardcore for the 5am Pacific crowd!) of "Libraries, Researchers, and ORCID." Please see the ORCID blog at http://orcid.org/blog/2014/10/21/new-webinar-libraries-researchers-and-orcid for more information.
You may also find the recent OCLC Research Report, "Registering Researchers in Authority Files" of great interest, too. There is a lot of really great information about a host of related issues and efforts here! http://www.oclc.org/research/publications/library/2014/oclcresearch-registering-researchers-2014-overview.html
ORCID and Libraries Chat
Thursday, October 30, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Host: Kristi Holmes (@kristiholmes)
Hey #medlibs! As you all know, the issue of unique scholarly identifiers is one that has been of interest to our crowd for a long while. Join us on Twitter on Thursday, October 30th at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific to talk about probably the most well-known and broadly accepted, ORCID! What's ORCID, you ask? ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized. (Thanks, orcid.org!) This week we'll chat about some of the basics and hear from colleagues who are actively involved with ORCID projects.
- Who has an ORCID and how are YOU using it professionally?
- What is the value of ORCID to different stakeholders?
- What kind of broad integrations have been supported by ORCID so far?
- How are LIBRARIES getting involved?
Please share your projects, bring your questions, and settle in for the discussion.
If you want to get a jump start on the fun, ORCID is hosting a webinar the same morning of our #medlibs chat (Oct 30th at 8am Eastern - a bit hardcore for the 5am Pacific crowd!) of "Libraries, Researchers, and ORCID." Please see the ORCID blog at http://orcid.org/blog/2014/10/21/new-webinar-libraries-researchers-and-orcid for more information.
You may also find the recent OCLC Research Report, "Registering Researchers in Authority Files" of great interest, too. There is a lot of really great information about a host of related issues and efforts here! http://www.oclc.org/research/publications/library/2014/oclcresearch-registering-researchers-2014-overview.html
Monday, October 20, 2014
Edit: Transcript at http://bit.ly/1FLP5io
Gamification Chat
Thursday, October 23, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Host: Molly Knapp (@dial_m)
“Gamification” is an informal umbrella term for the use of video game elements in non-gaming systems to improve user experience and user engagement. (Deterding, 2011) A 2013 fact sheet from the Entertainment Software Association reported more than half of Americans play video games, with an average of two gamers in each game-playing household. Forty percent of all gamers are female, and 49% of gamers are between ages 18 and 49. The average gamer spends 13 hours a week playing video games.
The 2013 Horizon Report lists game-based learning on the two-or-three-year horizon for adoption in higher ed. So is it any real surprise gaming is creeping into #meded? Apps such as Stanford's Septris and Sicko, JHU's Osmosis, and VisualDX's Mobile quiz are just a few examples of gamification in medicine. Libraries are trying to adopt the trend as well, a few examples include Library Quest from Grand Valley State University, @jabengston's Zombie Emergency and Citation Tic Tac Toe from James Madison University Libraries.
Are you using games to to teach, build awareness or provide library services? What are the challenges and benefits of incorporating games into education? Has anyone ever defeated the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for Nintendo? Set down your controller and join #medlibs for a chat on gaming in libraries and medical education.
Hosted by dial_m
image from http://android4youz.blogspot.com/
Gamification Chat
Thursday, October 23, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Host: Molly Knapp (@dial_m)
Irrelevant smurfy image |
The 2013 Horizon Report lists game-based learning on the two-or-three-year horizon for adoption in higher ed. So is it any real surprise gaming is creeping into #meded? Apps such as Stanford's Septris and Sicko, JHU's Osmosis, and VisualDX's Mobile quiz are just a few examples of gamification in medicine. Libraries are trying to adopt the trend as well, a few examples include Library Quest from Grand Valley State University, @jabengston's Zombie Emergency and Citation Tic Tac Toe from James Madison University Libraries.
Are you using games to to teach, build awareness or provide library services? What are the challenges and benefits of incorporating games into education? Has anyone ever defeated the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for Nintendo? Set down your controller and join #medlibs for a chat on gaming in libraries and medical education.
- Karl Kapp's The Gamification of Learning and Instruction: Game-based Methods and Strategies for Training and Education (2012): http://www.amazon.com/The-Gamification-Learning-Instruction-Game-based/dp/1118096347
- B. Kim. "Harnessing the power of game dynamics." C&RL News (2012): http://crln.acrl.org/content/73/8/465
- C. Spina. "Gamification: Is it Right for Your Library?" AALL Spectrum (2013): http://www.aallnet.org/main-menu/Publications/spectrum/Archives/vol-17/No-6/gamification.pdf "The evidence behind mHealth gamification." Timothy Aungst, PharmD. iMedicalApps.com February 4, 2013: http://www.imedicalapps.com/2013/02/evidence-mhealth-gamification/
Hosted by dial_m
image from http://android4youz.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
How Do #Medlibs Use Twitter to Collaborate?
Edit: Transcript available at http://bit.ly/1vC3avm
More Than Memes: How Do #medlibs Use Twitter for Collaboration?
Thursday, October 16, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Host: Cait Ford (@library_cait)
Co-host: David Tolmie (@dtolmie)
If you're reading this, chances are pretty good that you're familiar with the microblogging social media platform Twitter. Twitter allows you to share with the world your thoughts, hopes, dreams, gripes, foibles, pictures of your cat, and anything else you can fit into 140 characters. With all the good and bad that can come with the use of social media, something great that has grabbed interest is the use of Twitter (in addition to other formats) to seek out, find and share ideas with like-minded folk – like us #medlibs.
Join us on Thursday night to chat about how you use Twitter in your professional life, and how it's facilitated the flow of ideas between medical librarians across the world.
Caitlyn (call her Cait, please) Ford (MLIS) is an Information Specialist at the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health in Ottawa, Canada where she spends most of her time crafting literature search strategies. She is encouraged by her managers to engage with others and foster knowledge exchange and collaboration with colleagues by sharing resources, tips, tricks and keeping tabs on emerging technologies by using her personal Twitter account, as well as the organization's account. David Tolmie (MLIS) is an academic librarian at Bastyr University in Seattle with a keen interest in all things technology. He and Cait met via Twitter when she used the #medlibs hashtag asking why PubMed was throwing a fit; and a few months (and Tweets about boardgames and baking) later, they're collaborating on the chat!
Topics potentially covered in this chat:
More Than Memes: How Do #medlibs Use Twitter for Collaboration?
Thursday, October 16, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Host: Cait Ford (@library_cait)
Co-host: David Tolmie (@dtolmie)
If you're reading this, chances are pretty good that you're familiar with the microblogging social media platform Twitter. Twitter allows you to share with the world your thoughts, hopes, dreams, gripes, foibles, pictures of your cat, and anything else you can fit into 140 characters. With all the good and bad that can come with the use of social media, something great that has grabbed interest is the use of Twitter (in addition to other formats) to seek out, find and share ideas with like-minded folk – like us #medlibs.
Join us on Thursday night to chat about how you use Twitter in your professional life, and how it's facilitated the flow of ideas between medical librarians across the world.
Caitlyn (call her Cait, please) Ford (MLIS) is an Information Specialist at the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health in Ottawa, Canada where she spends most of her time crafting literature search strategies. She is encouraged by her managers to engage with others and foster knowledge exchange and collaboration with colleagues by sharing resources, tips, tricks and keeping tabs on emerging technologies by using her personal Twitter account, as well as the organization's account. David Tolmie (MLIS) is an academic librarian at Bastyr University in Seattle with a keen interest in all things technology. He and Cait met via Twitter when she used the #medlibs hashtag asking why PubMed was throwing a fit; and a few months (and Tweets about boardgames and baking) later, they're collaborating on the chat!
Topics potentially covered in this chat:

- Why did you start using Twitter as an information professional?
- Do you have more than one account?
- Do you Tweet mainly about library, science or your other professional activities? Or do you have a mix of professional and personal Tweets?
- Do you Tweet from your own account, or make use of your organizations account (if one exists)?
- Why did you start to follow/ use the #medlibs hashtag? (eg.: share articles of interest, share tips/tricks, crowd-source a tough ref Qs, etc)
- Have you ever collaborated with another #medlib you met via Twitter on a project? (eg.: help with a difficult search; write an article, poster, presentation, etc.)
- Do you see Twitter as a space for collaboration among information professionals?
- Did you ever think you'd meet so many other great medical librarians through social media?
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Other Conferences for Professional Development
Edit: Transcript available at http://bit.ly/1xvLyz6
Other Relevant Conferences for Professional Development #medlibs chat
Thursday, October 9, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Hosted by Emily Hurst (@hurstej)
From MLA to ALA each year librarians make the march to their professional meetings but what other job related conferences could librarians consider attending? How many of us have looked at the conferences and topics outside of “library-land?” Join us on Twitter Thursday night to find out!
Attending conferences focused on academic instruction, curriculum design, emerging technology, or a specific discipline can broaden a librarian’s perspective of their professional environment. Through conference attendance librarians can learn more about emerging trends in a specific discipline and come away with a better understanding of the faculty, students, or staff they serve. Information professional have always been quick to adapt and apply new strategies for information seeking purposes and learning about relevant issues is can be achieved by attending conferences outside of librarianship.
As the technology coordinator at the NN/LM SCR Emily J. Hurst, MSLS, AHIP has attended many meeting both inside and outside of the library realm. While the main focus of many of the conferences Emily has attended has been technology focused including SXSW Interactive and EDUCAUSE she has also participated in many discipline specific meetings including FENCE (http://www.eatright.org/FNCE/) and NCCHC (http://www.ncchc.org/). Emily is an avid tweeter and frequently shares the information she is exposed to at these meetings with others on Twitter. In Thursday’s chat Emily will guide us through some conferences to consider as well as some thoughts on justifying your attendance and how to stay involved via online sources.
Topics include:
• Wait?! You mean there are other conferences to attend not just ALA, SLA, PLA and MLA? How can I find out about these other conferences? Are some of these local?
• I actually learned something! Can I go back? A look at which conferences participants have attended and found useful.
• Writing justifications: How do we justify the need to attend meetings outside the scope of what may be seen as our profession?
• I can’t get funded to attend in person: Online sharing sessions and recaps of the top events. Yes! There really are ways to find out about conferences without attending.
• Get on the agenda and present at the next conference! Why not? It’s possible!
Other Relevant Conferences for Professional Development #medlibs chat
Thursday, October 9, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Hosted by Emily Hurst (@hurstej)
From MLA to ALA each year librarians make the march to their professional meetings but what other job related conferences could librarians consider attending? How many of us have looked at the conferences and topics outside of “library-land?” Join us on Twitter Thursday night to find out!
Attending conferences focused on academic instruction, curriculum design, emerging technology, or a specific discipline can broaden a librarian’s perspective of their professional environment. Through conference attendance librarians can learn more about emerging trends in a specific discipline and come away with a better understanding of the faculty, students, or staff they serve. Information professional have always been quick to adapt and apply new strategies for information seeking purposes and learning about relevant issues is can be achieved by attending conferences outside of librarianship.
As the technology coordinator at the NN/LM SCR Emily J. Hurst, MSLS, AHIP has attended many meeting both inside and outside of the library realm. While the main focus of many of the conferences Emily has attended has been technology focused including SXSW Interactive and EDUCAUSE she has also participated in many discipline specific meetings including FENCE (http://www.eatright.org/FNCE/) and NCCHC (http://www.ncchc.org/). Emily is an avid tweeter and frequently shares the information she is exposed to at these meetings with others on Twitter. In Thursday’s chat Emily will guide us through some conferences to consider as well as some thoughts on justifying your attendance and how to stay involved via online sources.
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Emily has been to a few conferences |
• Wait?! You mean there are other conferences to attend not just ALA, SLA, PLA and MLA? How can I find out about these other conferences? Are some of these local?
• I actually learned something! Can I go back? A look at which conferences participants have attended and found useful.
• Writing justifications: How do we justify the need to attend meetings outside the scope of what may be seen as our profession?
• I can’t get funded to attend in person: Online sharing sessions and recaps of the top events. Yes! There really are ways to find out about conferences without attending.
• Get on the agenda and present at the next conference! Why not? It’s possible!
Monday, September 29, 2014
Calling all library students - Ask a Medical Librarian Chat w/ SJSU - Thursday Oct 2
Edit: Transcript available at http://bit.ly/1pJSSBc
Ask a Medical Librarian Chat #medlibs chat
Thursday, October 2, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Hosted by Molly Knapp (@dial_m) & Laura Wright (@lauraiswright)
Ask a Medical Librarian Chat #medlibs chat
Thursday, October 2, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Hosted by Molly Knapp (@dial_m) & Laura Wright (@lauraiswright)
Calling all library students - Join the SJSU Special Libraries Association (SLA) student group and #medlibs chat on Thursday, October 2nd from 9-10 pm EDT (6-7 pm PDT) to discuss issues relating to medical librarianship. #medlibs chat will be answering any questions that you might have about being a medical librarian.
Topics will include
![]() |
What do #medlibs do all day? Tweet. |
- What medical librarians do all day?
- What are hot topics in medical libraries?
- What challenges do medical libraries face?
- How are medical libraries different from other types of libraries?
- How are medical libraries similar to other types of libraries?
- What knowledge, skills and abilities are needed to break into the medical library job field?
Any questions you have about medical librarianship are welcome!
Join us on Twitter for a 1 hour discussion. Never participated in a Twitter hashtag chat or #medlibs before? Check out this overview and come on in, we are a supportive community and welcome all newcomers.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Journal Club: Engaging Medical Librarians to Improve the Quality of Review Articles
Edit: Transcript available at http://bit.ly/1roIOms
#medlibs Journal Club Chat
Thursday, September 25, 2014
9:00 pm Eastern / 6:00 pm Pacific
Led by Tony Nguyen & Ryan Madanick, MD
We're having a special Journal Club discussion this Thursday! #medlibs and #meded are having a joint discussion on the following article:
Rethlefsen ML, Murad MH, Livingston EH. Engaging medical librarians to improve the quality of review articles. JAMA. 2014 Sep 10; 312(10):999-1000. doi: 10.1001/jama.2014.9263. PMID: 25203078. Accessed September 22, 2014. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=25203078.
TOPIC 1: How can librarians & academic physicians best collaborate in performing and drafting systematic reviews?
TOPIC 2: How can journals require syst reviews to have such strict standards w despite lmted resources ($, demand for #medlibs, etc)? Medical librarians are already experts at literature searching, while physicians rarely are.
TOPIC 3: To what degree should medical & other healthcare students/trainees learn such skills vs collaborate w librarians?
TOPIC 4: How can interprofessional education at various levels of training include librarians to foster better engagement?
Co-author Melissa Rethlefsen's thoughts:
#medlibs Journal Club Chat
Thursday, September 25, 2014
9:00 pm Eastern / 6:00 pm Pacific
Led by Tony Nguyen & Ryan Madanick, MD
We're having a special Journal Club discussion this Thursday! #medlibs and #meded are having a joint discussion on the following article:
Rethlefsen ML, Murad MH, Livingston EH. Engaging medical librarians to improve the quality of review articles. JAMA. 2014 Sep 10; 312(10):999-1000. doi: 10.1001/jama.2014.9263. PMID: 25203078. Accessed September 22, 2014. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=25203078.
TOPIC 1: How can librarians & academic physicians best collaborate in performing and drafting systematic reviews?
TOPIC 2: How can journals require syst reviews to have such strict standards w despite lmted resources ($, demand for #medlibs, etc)? Medical librarians are already experts at literature searching, while physicians rarely are.
TOPIC 3: To what degree should medical & other healthcare students/trainees learn such skills vs collaborate w librarians?
TOPIC 4: How can interprofessional education at various levels of training include librarians to foster better engagement?
Co-author Melissa Rethlefsen's thoughts:
- The article was written to be a JAMA standard for authors writing systematic and other types of review article. Should the standards be so high for non-systematic reviews?
- What are the best ways for librarians to collaborate with physicians and other review authors?
- Do medical libraries have the capacity to handle the potential demand for our services?
- Do all medical librarians need to brush off their expert searching skills, or can we continue to be specialized?
- Searching services might be costly at some institutions or not available. How will the inequity in services affect review authors?
- The article strongly encourages librarians to be co-authors. What is the most effective way to become an author versus acknowledged?
- Many review article authors use librarian to do searches, but don't credit them, even with an acknowledgment. How can we change that culture?
- Librarians have already begun peer-reviewing systematic review journal submissions. It may become more common. How should that impact the training researchers receive?
- JAMA included medical librarians as part of the clinical research team; can inter-professional education including librarians help foster better engagement?
- The article was not focused on systematic reviews, but many of the techniques included are based on systematic review methodology. Are expert reviews dead?
- Training health care professional students to become expert searches on the level needed for a systematic review is not desirable. When, if ever, should we teach those skills?
- How can we encourage other journals to adopt similarly rigorous standards that require medical librarian engagement?
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Scheduling Chat
Edit: Transcript available at http://bit.ly/1yiRlMN
Topics & Scheduling/Open Mic
Thursday, September 18, 2014
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time
Led by Nikki Dettmar (@eagledawg)
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time
Led by Nikki Dettmar (@eagledawg)
Thanks to your ideas and interests we are solidly scheduled through Fall (so you can love or leave the whole pumpkin spice thing) but Winter and 2015 will be upon us before you know it. Let's not lose our strong momentum that is bringing more collaboration (stay tuned for a joint #meded #medlibs chat about Melissa Rethlefsen's recent JAMA article next week!), library student participation (such as last week's visit by Sally Gore's class and a future Library Student Q&A chat in October), and professional networking to our field.
Bring your ideas, enthusiasm and calendars - the dynamic networking of #medlibs can't happen by itself without you and some planning. Also please don't feel that you need to be the expert resource to lead a chat - as long as you have a strong interest, well developed questions, and some resources to share our group hivemind usually takes care of the rest!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Librarians in the Clinical Setting Chat
Thursday, September 11, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Led by Julia Esparza (@JuliaEsparza)
Have you always wanted to go into the clinical environment and work side by side with clinicians but feel you don’t have the adequate knowledge? Are you a Clinical Medical Librarian (CML), Informationist or other librarian working at the point-of-care? What did you wish you knew when you started working in the clinical environment? Join us this Thursday night on Twitter using the #medlibs hashtag! Never participated in a hashtag chat before? Please check out this overview and come on in, we are a very supportive community that especially welcomes first timers and students!
Julia Esparza, AHIP, a CML from LSU Health Shreveport, LA, with the support from the South Central Chapter of the Medical Library Association (SCC/MLA) is organizing an on-demand, multi-sectional CE divided into two modules. Each module will discuss the clinical environment and touch on common diagnoses, the best resources for finding answers and specific resources with which the librarian should be familiar. In addition, the Common Diagnoses sessions in Module 2 will include a clinician component discussing how librarians can aid clinicians at the point-of-care.
We are requesting feedback on what you feel you need to know!
Join us for the #medlibs chat and provide feedback on the following questions.
1. If you had administrative support to enter the clinical environment, what knowledge would you like to have to feel comfortable starting out?
2. Having worked in the clinical environment, what do you wish you knew when you started?
Proposed CE modules
Module 1 (possible prerequisite to Module 2) – 5 total CE hours possible
Working as a Librarian in the Clinical Environment
Intro to Common Physical Examine and Vital Sign Abnormalities
Intro to Laboratory and Microbiology Abnormalities
Intro to ECG Abnormalities
Intro to Radiology Abnormalities
Module 2 – if Librarian Subject Experts in these areas are found there will be a possible 23 CE hours possible – topics may change
Common Diagnoses in Internal Medicine - Inpatient Setting
Common Diagnoses in Internal Medicine - Outpatient Setting
Common Diagnoses in Pediatrics - Inpatient Setting
Common Diagnoses in Pediatrics - Outpatient Setting
Common Diagnoses in Cardiology
Common Diagnoses in Endocrinology
Common Diagnoses in Neurology
Common Diagnoses in Nephrology
Common Diagnoses in Rheumatology
Common Diagnoses in Pulmonology
Common Diagnoses in Infectious Disease
Common Diagnoses in Gastroenterology
Common Diagnoses in Hepatology
Common Diagnoses in Gynecology
Common Diagnoses in Obstetrics
Common Diagnoses in Hematology
Common Diagnoses in Oncology
Common Diagnoses in Ophthalmology
Common Diagnoses in Psychiatry
Common Surgeries
Common Orthopedic Surgeries
Common Issues in Critical Care
Common Issues in the Emergency Room
Proposed Agenda for Module 2 sessions (1 hour sessions – i.e. Common Surgeries is one session)
Welcome to CE series (1 minute) – J. Esparza
Welcome to Topic (1-4 minutes) – Librarian Subject Expert
Top 5 to 10 DX in area (10-20 minutes) – Clinician
How librarian can aid clinicians clinically and help education students/residents (10 minutes) – Clinician
Discussion (25 minutes) – Librarian Subject Expert
1. Resources used most - textbooks, databases, journals referenced a lot, journals to scan table of contents - etc.
2. Important abbreviations
3. Important diagnostic tests often referenced in the area
Assessment (not included in CE time – up to 20 minutes) – Participant on own
If interested in joining the project, contact Julia M. Esparza, MLS, AHIP at (jespar@lsuhsc.edu).
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Interprofessional Education Chat
Edit: Transcript available at http://bit.ly/1txrrlr
Interprofessional Education (IPE) #medlibs chat
Thursday, September 4, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Led by Roy Brown (@CarolinaFan1982)
Interprofessional collaboration is becoming the norm in healthcare as practitioners are finding that patient care is greatly improved by a team approach. These teams are composed of representatives from different health professions like medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and others, depending on the needs of the patient. These teams collaborate in order to treat the whole patient while addressing their healthcare needs.
This movement towards interprofessionalism has had a great effect on the education of students in all the health professions. Traditionally these students were trained to care for patients in silos with little discussion of working with the other healthcare providers. Today that is no longer the case and across the health professions there is a push to incorporate interprofessional education to train students to communicate effectively and collaborate with others for better patient care.
These changes open up new opportunities for librarians to become more involved in healthcare and to become a conduit to bring groups together and meet the needs of those involved in interprofessional education. Please join us on Thursday, September 4th at 9pm (EST) on Twitter to discuss what you and your colleagues are doing to support interprofessional education/collaboration and to explore future roles that librarians could play.
Chat Questions
1. What trend(s) are you seeing at your institution when it comes to interprofessional education?
2. What role is your library playing when it comes to supporting interprofessional education/collaboration?
3. What role would you like your library to play when it comes to interprofessional education?
4. With the focus on IPE, do you see a need for librarians to acquire new skills? If so, what would those be?
Resources for Further Reading
Panel, I. E. C. E. (2011). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: Report of an expert panel. Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel.
Janke, R., & Rush, K. L. (2014). The academic librarian as co‐investigator on an interprofessional primary research team: a case study. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 31(2), 116-122.
Butera, G., Gomes, A., Harrod, T., Kakar, S., Frank, J. B., & Owens, J. (2013). Expanding our Roles: Embedded in Curriculum Design.
Bridges, D. R., Davidson, R. A., Odegard, P. S., Maki, I. V., & Tomkowiak, J. (2011). Interprofessional collaboration: three best practice models of interprofessional education. Medical education online, 16.
American Interprofessional Health Collaborative - http://ow.ly/B2ncA
Interprofessional Education (IPE) #medlibs chat
Thursday, September 4, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Led by Roy Brown (@CarolinaFan1982)
Interprofessional collaboration is becoming the norm in healthcare as practitioners are finding that patient care is greatly improved by a team approach. These teams are composed of representatives from different health professions like medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and others, depending on the needs of the patient. These teams collaborate in order to treat the whole patient while addressing their healthcare needs.
This movement towards interprofessionalism has had a great effect on the education of students in all the health professions. Traditionally these students were trained to care for patients in silos with little discussion of working with the other healthcare providers. Today that is no longer the case and across the health professions there is a push to incorporate interprofessional education to train students to communicate effectively and collaborate with others for better patient care.
These changes open up new opportunities for librarians to become more involved in healthcare and to become a conduit to bring groups together and meet the needs of those involved in interprofessional education. Please join us on Thursday, September 4th at 9pm (EST) on Twitter to discuss what you and your colleagues are doing to support interprofessional education/collaboration and to explore future roles that librarians could play.
Chat Questions
1. What trend(s) are you seeing at your institution when it comes to interprofessional education?
2. What role is your library playing when it comes to supporting interprofessional education/collaboration?
3. What role would you like your library to play when it comes to interprofessional education?
4. With the focus on IPE, do you see a need for librarians to acquire new skills? If so, what would those be?
Resources for Further Reading
Panel, I. E. C. E. (2011). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: Report of an expert panel. Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel.
Janke, R., & Rush, K. L. (2014). The academic librarian as co‐investigator on an interprofessional primary research team: a case study. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 31(2), 116-122.
Butera, G., Gomes, A., Harrod, T., Kakar, S., Frank, J. B., & Owens, J. (2013). Expanding our Roles: Embedded in Curriculum Design.
Bridges, D. R., Davidson, R. A., Odegard, P. S., Maki, I. V., & Tomkowiak, J. (2011). Interprofessional collaboration: three best practice models of interprofessional education. Medical education online, 16.
American Interprofessional Health Collaborative - http://ow.ly/B2ncA
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Special Tuesday Chat: FDA Social Media
Transcript: http://bit.ly/1uSQpvU
FDA Guidelines on Social Media #medlibs chat
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
2pm Eastern/11am Pacific
Led by Patricia Anderson (@pfanderson)
FDA Guidelines on Social Media #medlibs chat
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
2pm Eastern/11am Pacific
Led by Patricia Anderson (@pfanderson)
The FDA has released their new draft guidelines for use of social media, and the end of the comment period is rapidly approaching (September 18, 2014). David Harlow, a health policy expert and lawyer, is recommending that people consider these guidelines in the context of recent FDA Warning Letters, some of which are rather surprising.
When implemented, there is potential for these guidelines to impact on the use of social media by corporations, but also by clinicians, medical educators, researchers, students, and more. It may impact on how students are taught to use social media, or to avoid its use. As medical librarians, we should be aware of this, and consider commenting.
How could you see these impacting on your own job? Do you agree or disagree with the guidelines? How would you change them if you could?
Anderson, PF. FDA On Social Media: Time to Pay Attention, Take Two http://etechlib.wordpress.com/ 2014/08/01/fda-on-social- media-time-to-pay-attention- take-two/
Federal Register. Draft Guidance for Industry on Internet/Social Media Platforms: Correcting Independent Third-Party Misinformation About Prescription Drugs and Medical Devices; Availability: https://www.federalregister. gov/articles/2014/06/18/2014- 14221/draft-guidance-for- industry-on-internetsocial- media-platforms-correcting- independent-third-party
FDA: Warning Letters: 2014: Zarbee’s, Inc. 6/27/14: http://www.fda.gov/iceci/ enforcementactions/ warningletters/2014/ucm403255. htm
Harlow, David. #FDAsm – FDA Releases Draft Social Media Guidance Five Years After Public Hearing http://www.healthblawg.com/ 2014/06/fdasm-fda-releases- draft-social-media-guidance- five-years-after-public- hearing.html
Harlow, David. FDA Social Media Guidance – Hangout on Air http://www.healthblawg.com/ 2014/07/fda-social-media- guidance-hangout-on-air.html
Join us on Twitter for a 1 hour discussion. Never participated in a Twitter hashtag chat or #medlibs before? Check out this overview and come on in, we are a supportive community and welcome all newcomers.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Thursday Night #medlibs On Break for August
Due to a notable decline in participation and availability (work/vacation balance is a good thing!) observed during the past few weeks, your lead #medlibs moderator (Nikki Dettmar @eagledawg) has made an executive decision to honor her French heritage and be an Augustist: The Thursday night chat will take the month of August on holiday!
Our next regular scheduled Thursday night chat (more details later):
Interprofessional Education #medlibs chat
Thursday, September 4, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Led by Roy Brown (@CarolinaFan1982)
Stay tuned for details of special off-schedule chats in the interim during daytime hours! Interested in hosting one? Tweet Nikki (@eagledawg) about what subject you'd like to host & when and we'll include it here.
Our next regular scheduled Thursday night chat (more details later):
Interprofessional Education #medlibs chat
Thursday, September 4, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Led by Roy Brown (@CarolinaFan1982)
Stay tuned for details of special off-schedule chats in the interim during daytime hours! Interested in hosting one? Tweet Nikki (@eagledawg) about what subject you'd like to host & when and we'll include it here.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Journal Club: Emerging roles for biomedical librarians
Edit: Transcript Saved here: http://bit.ly/1oTpz37 http://zbit.ly/1oTpz37
#medlibs Journal Club Chat
Thursday, July 31, 2014
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time
Journal Club is back! In preparation for Thursday's chat, I’ve selected the following article:
#medlibs Journal Club Chat
Thursday, July 31, 2014
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time
Journal Club is back! In preparation for Thursday's chat, I’ve selected the following article:
Crum JA, Cooper ID. Emerging roles for
biomedical librarians: a survey of current practice, challenges, and changes. J
Med Libr Assoc. 2013 Oct; 101(4):278-86. doi: 10.3163/1536-5050.101.4.009.
PubMed PMID: 24163599; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3794683. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=24163599.
Accessed July 25, 2014.
* Supplementary resources can be found here:
Why was this article chosen?
- Anyone can read it for FREE on PubMed Central. Free is awesome.
- This article is pre-approved by the MLA for 1 MLA CE contact hour in the MLA Independent Reading program (IRP).
- Janet A. Crum, MLS, AHIP, one of the authors of the article will join in the chat. This is a great opportunity for you to gain author insight and become more informed.
- #medlibs may have some interest in the emerging roles of biomedical librarians or is that just me?
Here’s the current Journal Club structure. As
you read the article, consider the following in 131 characters or less. (The
#medlibs tag does take some space and we need it for see what you would like to
add to the discussion.)
- xx:05 or xx:10 – Facts: It's important to discuss the facts. However, since we have the author(s) present, we can ask them questions directly. and talk about what stood out in the survey and interested you. We can ask the authors what issues they came across when developing the survey, obtaining participation, etc. Whatever comes to mind.
- xx:25 – Interpretation: If you've looked over their methods and results, what were the strengths/weaknesses that you found? If you've looked over the supplementary resources, was there something that could have been asked in the survey that was not?
- xx:40 – Implications: After reading this article, how do you feel that this impacts your education and career development? What have you done in contribution to the emerging roles listed?
I look forward to seeing you on Thursday’s
#medlibs chat!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Open mic chat
Edit: Transcript bit.ly/1jYpTgN
Open mic #medlibs chat
July 24, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
What's on your mind regarding our field? Join #medlibs lead moderator Nikki Dettmar (@eagledawg) on Twitter Thursday at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific time. Never participated in a Twitter hashtag chat or #medlibs chat before? Check out this overview and come on in, we are a supportive community and especially welcome students and newcomers.
I'm thinking about our current continuing education opportunities in the field and if they're matching what we need in light of what Meredith Farkas wrote today in On tenure, after three years on the tenure track. What would help?
Librarians get little education in research design and then are told they must do research to keep their jobs. If we can barely find the time to do our scholarship, is it any wonder that we don’t have time to become good researchers?
Open mic #medlibs chat
July 24, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
What's on your mind regarding our field? Join #medlibs lead moderator Nikki Dettmar (@eagledawg) on Twitter Thursday at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific time. Never participated in a Twitter hashtag chat or #medlibs chat before? Check out this overview and come on in, we are a supportive community and especially welcome students and newcomers.
I'm thinking about our current continuing education opportunities in the field and if they're matching what we need in light of what Meredith Farkas wrote today in On tenure, after three years on the tenure track. What would help?
Librarians get little education in research design and then are told they must do research to keep their jobs. If we can barely find the time to do our scholarship, is it any wonder that we don’t have time to become good researchers?
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Code of Conduct Chat
Edit: Transcript at http://bit.ly/1zOJtAR
Code of conduct #medlibs chat
July 17, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Come discuss conference codes of conduct with officers from the Medical Library Association’s (MLA) Relevant Issues Section. Moderators are section Chair Rachel Walden (@rachel_w) and Chair-Elect Kate Flewelling (@flewkate).
You don't have to be an MLA or Relevant Issues Section member to join the discussion! Never participated in a hashtag chat or #medlibs chat before? Check out this overview and come on in, we are a supportive community and especially welcome students and newcomers.
Code of conduct #medlibs chat
July 17, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Come discuss conference codes of conduct with officers from the Medical Library Association’s (MLA) Relevant Issues Section. Moderators are section Chair Rachel Walden (@rachel_w) and Chair-Elect Kate Flewelling (@flewkate).
You don't have to be an MLA or Relevant Issues Section member to join the discussion! Never participated in a hashtag chat or #medlibs chat before? Check out this overview and come on in, we are a supportive community and especially welcome students and newcomers.
What does an inclusive and welcoming conference look like?
professional and tech conferences are adopting anti-harassment policies
and codes of conduct. The Relevant Issues Section of MLA would like to
explore having one for MLA meetings.
For background, check out:
- Codes of Conduct 101
- Why ALA Needs a Code of Conduct: describes ALA’s new Code of Conduct and provides historical context
- Sample conference anti-harassment policy: from the Ada Initiative, which supports women in open technology and culture
- Why don’t you just hit him?-the worst possible anti-harassment advice
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
American Medical Student Research Journal Chat
Edit: Transcript available at http://bit.ly/1r1lKuR
Thursday, July 10, 2014
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time
#medlibs Twitter chat
Join Julia M. Esparza (@juliaesparza), MLS, AHIP as she leads a discussion with Nadine Kaskas and others from American Medical Student Research Journal (AMSRJ) on the development of the journal, the lessons learned, and after the successful launch of the first issue the future plans of the journal.
Medical students at Louisiana State University Health in Shreveport, LA (LSU Health Shreveport) felt there was a lack of reviewer and editorial opportunities for medical students. They wanted to create an independent, open-access medical student journal to provide a fair and focused platform for international, multi-institutional student participation in the peer review and editorial process at all levels. They felt this experience would be of value to future clinicians and physician-scientists.
Led by Nadine Kaskas (Editor-in-Chief) and David Ballard (Deputy Editor) and with the help of 39 supportive faculty advisors the students embarked on a journey to develop a publishing infrastructure, create standardized education for student reviewers and editors, call for submissions and publish an open access journal within 10 months.
The journal is unique as a student journal because it is set up as an independent non-profit, 501(c)(3) without an official institutional affiliation. With a goal of providing a publishing outlet for basic science and clinical research as well as a platform for students to share their clinical experiences with each other, they were excited when they received submissions from medical students from over 29 institutions, with many of them international.
During the development, at the suggestion of other faculty, Ms. Kaskas sought suggestions from the Department of Medical Library Science Faculty at LSU Health Shreveport on publishing software (that was free), creating educational videos for the editors, and assisting in a final copy editing review of the first issue. In addition, through the network power of Medlib-L and AAHSL-all, the librarians helped distribute the call for submissions and the announcement of the first issue publication to the powerful librarian network.
• The American Medical Student Research Journal (AMSRJ) is an academic publication written, reviewed, and edited by medical students working in association with faculty mentors
• AMSRJ publishes original research, reviews, case reports, policy position articles, humanities essays, and artwork
• AMSRJ is run by a team of over 100 with 11 student editors, 39 faculty advisors, 76 reviewers and reviewers-in-training, and an International Marketing
• Since releasing the first call for submissions November 2013, we have received submissions from 29 institutions
• We are CrossRef members and have DOI privileges
• We have over 900 followers on Facebook and have received promotion from the AAMC, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the Medical Library Association, and several universities across the US.
Spring 2014 Issue
• Our first issue featured a Foreword from Dr. Jeffrey Drazen, the New England Journal of Medicine Editor-in-Chief, and students from Cornell University, Duke University, LSU Health Shreveport and New Orleans, Penn State University, Stanford University, Stellenbosch University (South Africa), University of Birmingham (England), University of California Los Angeles, University of Colorado, Virginia Commonwealth University, West Virginia University, and Yale University.
• Since online publication May 25, the first issue has received over 10,500 views in a little over a month.
• The current issue page, which has links to the full issue in pdf and e-reader format, as well as each individual article pdf, can be found here
Encourage Students to Get Involved
• Manuscript submission deadline for the next issue is July 31st
• Reviewers accepted on a rolling basis
Thursday, July 10, 2014
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time
#medlibs Twitter chat
Join Julia M. Esparza (@juliaesparza), MLS, AHIP as she leads a discussion with Nadine Kaskas and others from American Medical Student Research Journal (AMSRJ) on the development of the journal, the lessons learned, and after the successful launch of the first issue the future plans of the journal.
Medical students at Louisiana State University Health in Shreveport, LA (LSU Health Shreveport) felt there was a lack of reviewer and editorial opportunities for medical students. They wanted to create an independent, open-access medical student journal to provide a fair and focused platform for international, multi-institutional student participation in the peer review and editorial process at all levels. They felt this experience would be of value to future clinicians and physician-scientists.
Led by Nadine Kaskas (Editor-in-Chief) and David Ballard (Deputy Editor) and with the help of 39 supportive faculty advisors the students embarked on a journey to develop a publishing infrastructure, create standardized education for student reviewers and editors, call for submissions and publish an open access journal within 10 months.
The journal is unique as a student journal because it is set up as an independent non-profit, 501(c)(3) without an official institutional affiliation. With a goal of providing a publishing outlet for basic science and clinical research as well as a platform for students to share their clinical experiences with each other, they were excited when they received submissions from medical students from over 29 institutions, with many of them international.
During the development, at the suggestion of other faculty, Ms. Kaskas sought suggestions from the Department of Medical Library Science Faculty at LSU Health Shreveport on publishing software (that was free), creating educational videos for the editors, and assisting in a final copy editing review of the first issue. In addition, through the network power of Medlib-L and AAHSL-all, the librarians helped distribute the call for submissions and the announcement of the first issue publication to the powerful librarian network.
• The American Medical Student Research Journal (AMSRJ) is an academic publication written, reviewed, and edited by medical students working in association with faculty mentors
• AMSRJ publishes original research, reviews, case reports, policy position articles, humanities essays, and artwork
• AMSRJ is run by a team of over 100 with 11 student editors, 39 faculty advisors, 76 reviewers and reviewers-in-training, and an International Marketing
• Since releasing the first call for submissions November 2013, we have received submissions from 29 institutions
• We are CrossRef members and have DOI privileges
• We have over 900 followers on Facebook and have received promotion from the AAMC, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the Medical Library Association, and several universities across the US.
Spring 2014 Issue
• Our first issue featured a Foreword from Dr. Jeffrey Drazen, the New England Journal of Medicine Editor-in-Chief, and students from Cornell University, Duke University, LSU Health Shreveport and New Orleans, Penn State University, Stanford University, Stellenbosch University (South Africa), University of Birmingham (England), University of California Los Angeles, University of Colorado, Virginia Commonwealth University, West Virginia University, and Yale University.
• Since online publication May 25, the first issue has received over 10,500 views in a little over a month.
• The current issue page, which has links to the full issue in pdf and e-reader format, as well as each individual article pdf, can be found here
Encourage Students to Get Involved
• Manuscript submission deadline for the next issue is July 31st
• Reviewers accepted on a rolling basis
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Relevant Issues chat
Edit: Transcript available at http://bit.ly/1jpEAUA
Relevant Issues #medlibs chat
June 26, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Relevant Issues #medlibs chat
June 26, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
AIDS information. Medical consequences of war. Health literacy. Workforce diversity.
For more than 30 years, the Relevant Issues section of MLA has focused on the wide range of ever-changing social issues that touch and concern our profession.
In 2014-2015, we want to hear from you.
What social issues would you like to see Relevant Issues act on, this year and in years to come? What issues affect how our patrons can access, use, and gain value from our information? What issues are important to address in the profession itself?
Moderated by section Chair Rachel Walden (@rachel_w) and Chair-Elect Kate Flewelling (@flewkate), we’ll discuss the issues important to you right now, what work you’d like to see the section tackle, and our 2014-2015 MLA program theme, “The Librarian as Activist.”
You do not need to be a Relevant Issues section member or even an active MLA member to participate in this chat. We would like input from as many people as possible!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Maker faires #medlibs chat
Edit: Transcript http://bit.ly/1pkruvn
Maker Faires Chat
Thursday, June 19, 2014
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time
#medlibs Twitter chat
Maker Faires Chat
Thursday, June 19, 2014
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time
#medlibs Twitter chat
What is the Maker Movement, and how does it connect to participatory medicine and personalized healthcare? How is this changing healthcare? How is this changing libraries? How does this connect to the roots of health and healthcare? What are roles for libraries in 'makering'?
Come and discuss with your host Patricia Anderson (@pfanderson) on our #medlibs Twitter chat for an hour on June 19, 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific time! Never participated in a Twitter hashtag chat or #medlibs before? Check out this overview and come on in, we are a supportive community and welcome all newcomers. Check out more resources below!
Wednesday June 18 is the first ever White House Maker Faire.
Mainmonides Medical Center and MIT Little Devices Group partnered on the first Maker Nurse Mini-Maker Faire held in a hospital on May 28th.
The University of Michigan just announced a maker fest for August 16.
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