Scholarly Communication chat
Thursday, November 4, 2014
9 pm Eastern/6 pm Pacific
Host: Margaret Henderson (@mehlibrarian)
In the past, Scholarly Communication generally encompassed how research was disseminated, i.e. scholarly publishing, and maybe a little on how scholars share amongst themselves. Now, Scholarly Communication impacts all areas of scholarship, covering a diverse array of services that help people share information. Scholarly Communication groups are often based in libraries and their areas of expertise could include any or all of the following:
Join us to discuss the questions you have had in these areas, and how you resolved those questions. Or maybe the group can help with some answers.
If you want to learn more, take a look through these organization and library websites related to scholarly communication.
Medical Library Association
Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries
National Network of Libraries of Medicine (for smaller health science libraries)
Association of Research Libraries
Association of College and Research Libraries
Columbia University
Duke University
University of Central Florida
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Massachusetts Amherst
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