Monday, September 24, 2012

Expert searching

Edit: Transcript available at  

Now that we've embedded ourselves in librarianship, this Thursday (September 20, 2012) at 6pm Pacific/9 Eastern join us on Twitter for a #medlibs discussion about expert searching! How do you liven up PICO or do you use a different strategy altogether? What teaching methods do you use for what audiences? Is it time for another database showdown like we had in July? Join the conversation and let's find out!

Never participated in a Twitter hashtag chat before? Check out this overview and come on in, we're a supportive community.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Embedded librarianship

Edit: Transcript available at 

Building on last week's discussion of alternative reference models, this Thursday (September 20, 2012) at 6pm Pacific/9 Eastern join us on Twitter for a #medlibs discussion about embedded librarianship. How have things evolved since the 2009 Embedded librarians: one library's model for decentralized service JMLA article? What resources are needed to support this service model? Join in the discussion!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Alternative Reference: What Works?

Edit: Transcript available at  

Join us this Thursday, September 13th at 6pm Pacific/9 Eastern for a #medlibs Twitter chat with a discussion of alternative reference models inspired by
Are you still on the reference desk? All QuestionPoint all the time? Some mixture of both and more? Let's connect and share what is and isn't working, and see you there!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Free range first Thursday

Edit: Transcript available 

This week is the Twitter #medlibs chat free range discussion during the first Thursday of the month from 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern for an hour. What's on your mind? Some ideas from our neighbor to the north include