Tuesday, August 28, 2012

eBooks: Findability, Usability, and Everything Else

Edit: Transcript available at http://bit.ly/O7yrh4 

Welcome, this Thursday Michelle Kraft will act as moderator for our discussion about eBooks.  The chat will be August 30th at 6pm Pacific/9 Eastern for approximately 1 hour.  Don't forget to use the hashtag #medlibs to follow the discussion.

We will be discussing anything have to do with the promises and problems of ebooks such as:
  • Findability -What are the best ways for patrons to find stuff? The catalog, A-Z lists, other?
  • Usability - How easy are they for patrons to use?
  • Usage - Are they getting used?  What is appropriate usage stats?
  • Portability and Devices - Where are people using them and on what devices?
  • Patron Driven Acquisition (PDA) - Who is doing this and what are your results?
  • Anything else that might be interesting

New to Twitter and the #medlibs chat? Welcome! A refresher on how to participate in a chat using the Twitter hashtag is right here! and we look forward to welcoming you there.

Monday, August 20, 2012

2 months of #medlibs chats

Edit: Transcript available at http://bit.ly/Oa38kO  

This Thursday, August 23rd at 6pm Pacific/9 Eastern, let's reflect on the 10 Twitter #medlibs chats we've had and discuss the future:
  1. Should we keep the chat going?
  2. Is Thursday at 6pm Pacific working for most folks who want to participate?
  3. Should we keep the chat weekly, twice monthly, other?
  4. What topics do we want to revisit or add this Fall?
  5. How can we encourage others to give the chat a try?

Monday, August 13, 2012

Classes & workshops vs LibGuides & online training this Thursday

Edit: Transcript available http://bit.ly/OlNuEK 
Towards the end of last week's chat about emerging roles for medical librarians, discussion went towards what from our already busy workloads we could change to welcome these new roles.

This Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 6pm Pacific/9 Eastern join in the Twitter discussion on #medlibs to further explore the question: Are library workshops and classes the most effective use of our time? What are medical librarians doing with LibGuides and other online training and education resources? Come share your experience and network with your colleagues!

Need a refresher on how to participate on a Twitter hashtag chat? Help is right here, and we look forward to welcoming you there.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Emerging roles: Informationist and beyond

Edit: Transcript available at http://bit.ly/P09hkv 

This Thursday, August 9 2012 at 6pm Pacific/9 Eastern join us for the #medlibs Twitter chat about emerging roles for medical librarians.

Are you one of the recipients of the new NLM Informationist Supplement Grants? We especially want to hear from you! How were you involved in the project design and application process? How will this fit into your existing workflow or will things be changing for your job? What continuing education and/or other training beyond your MLS/MLIS/MSIS are you bringing to the table? What advice do you have for other medical librarians who are interested in pursuing similar opportunities at their institutions?

What other emerging roles are we participating in out there? Let's network and learn from each other, see you Thursday night online!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Free Range First Thursday time!

Edit: We mostly continued the conversation from last time about EHRs and added UpToDate, posters, iPads and Olympics coverage at http://bit.ly/RfnzSv 

Tonight is the Twitter #medlibs chat free range discussion during the first Thursday of the month from 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern for an hour. What's on your mind - do you now have 9 MLA 2013 poster & paper presentations with 6 simultaneous conflicts? Did you catch Connie Schardt's reply on MEDLIB-L beginning with Wouldn't it be cool if MLA...built a professional issues web portal that brought together content, mentors and live chat to support librarians during their working day?