Edit: Transcript available at http://bit.ly/N9uVQk Storify emerging at bit.ly/NUhkAW
We had a great turnout for the inaugural Twitter chat last week and are going to stick with the same time of Thursday nights from here on out.
The topic for Thursday, June 28 2012 at 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern is eScience thanks to a combination of survey interest and emerging conversation during the inaugural chat. Sally Gore (@mandosally), Head of Research and Scholarly Communication Services, Lamar Soutter Library at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, will be on hand to help us get from nebulous to knowledgeable about it! Edit: check out the e-Science Portal for New England Librarians ahead of time. It won't kick you out for being from a different region!
We are sorry about that chat being around 3am for our European colleagues though. Unfortunately the poll results were very clear that a chat during North American business/European evening hours can't work out for the majority of respondents. Why not start up a #medlibs European time chat? It's very easy to add another author to this chat blog, run transcripts from #medlibs on Symplur and set an additional time in the calendar. Just let Nikki (@eagledawg) know!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Week one chat on Thursday
Edit: Transcript at http://bit.ly/KoFgHM, or a focused story arranged by topics covered is on Storify
The results are in!
When: Thursday, June 21st at 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern (what time is that for me?)
Where: Wherever you happen to be on Twitter!
Who's on first?Herded Moderated by Nikki Dettmar @eagledawg
What's on second? The Abbott & Costello baseball sketch wasn't enough of a clue?
Let's warm up by discussing our top takeaways from the Medical Library Association meeting last month - What's sticking with you a month later? What changes have you started exploring as a result of who you networked with or what you learned? What's next?
I don't know who's on third, how does a Twitter hashtag chat work?
The results are in!
The Doodle poll "#medlibs chat" is closed with "Thursday, June 21, 2012 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern" as the final option. doodle.com/mr59zryfuhmxac… — Nikki D. (@eagledawg) June 14, 2012
When: Thursday, June 21st at 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern (what time is that for me?)
Where: Wherever you happen to be on Twitter!
Who's on first?
What's on second? The Abbott & Costello baseball sketch wasn't enough of a clue?
Let's warm up by discussing our top takeaways from the Medical Library Association meeting last month - What's sticking with you a month later? What changes have you started exploring as a result of who you networked with or what you learned? What's next?
I don't know who's on third, how does a Twitter hashtag chat work?
- Watch #medlibs using your favorite third party platform, such as TweetChat, or go to search.twitter.com and enter #medlibs
- Participate by including #medlibs in your tweets. If you have a public account, others will see your tweets even if they don't follow you thanks to using the hashtag.
- Relax! This isn't A Presentation and more like chatting over drinks after a meeting (one of you recommended some wine & I think that's a fabulous idea). Just dive in, we're all in this together!
- If you're concerned about adding a lot of 'noise' to your Twitter account, feel free to start your tweets @medlibs (that's a group tweet account) but be sure to also include #medlibs
- Need more help? TweetChat is covered in this video
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Bacon ipsum mc testovich
Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet aliquip pancetta dolore ad, pastrami
do consequat fatback anim venison drumstick veniam ham hock eiusmod
tenderloin. Flank bacon brisket turducken, ball tip magna laborum velit
hamburger ea non. Consequat pastrami ut, t-bone eiusmod cupidatat
proident dolore. Sirloin tongue elit nostrud tail enim. Pig commodo
cillum cow nisi, culpa bresaola sint pancetta id qui enim aute swine.
Flank biltong mollit pancetta, shoulder chuck jerky do ham hock ham in
Meatloaf exercitation irure biltong sed, swine ground round shoulder enim. Biltong flank turkey commodo, bacon sed turducken magna. Aute esse cupidatat andouille non frankfurter. Incididunt occaecat deserunt pork short ribs pastrami in strip steak. Occaecat dolore consequat in incididunt. Mollit drumstick short loin cow, qui sausage shankle officia pastrami. Bacon pork belly ut, consectetur aute corned beef commodo laboris cillum bresaola.
Ham hock boudin culpa, aliqua occaecat pariatur beef enim speck. Dolore tri-tip aute proident, excepteur swine est shank consectetur jerky cupidatat chicken deserunt ham bacon. Sunt irure eiusmod tongue, prosciutto swine occaecat et pork chop beef ribs fatback exercitation officia pork. Qui jerky nisi, cupidatat pancetta ground round cillum do non swine. Tenderloin pastrami ut labore, short loin dolore capicola. Bresaola salami exercitation veniam tempor andouille, mollit short ribs. Tri-tip frankfurter fatback in, nulla ham esse turkey beef ribs.
Meatloaf exercitation irure biltong sed, swine ground round shoulder enim. Biltong flank turkey commodo, bacon sed turducken magna. Aute esse cupidatat andouille non frankfurter. Incididunt occaecat deserunt pork short ribs pastrami in strip steak. Occaecat dolore consequat in incididunt. Mollit drumstick short loin cow, qui sausage shankle officia pastrami. Bacon pork belly ut, consectetur aute corned beef commodo laboris cillum bresaola.
Ham hock boudin culpa, aliqua occaecat pariatur beef enim speck. Dolore tri-tip aute proident, excepteur swine est shank consectetur jerky cupidatat chicken deserunt ham bacon. Sunt irure eiusmod tongue, prosciutto swine occaecat et pork chop beef ribs fatback exercitation officia pork. Qui jerky nisi, cupidatat pancetta ground round cillum do non swine. Tenderloin pastrami ut labore, short loin dolore capicola. Bresaola salami exercitation veniam tempor andouille, mollit short ribs. Tri-tip frankfurter fatback in, nulla ham esse turkey beef ribs.
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