Monday, July 9, 2018

July chat

July 2018 Chat
Thursday, July 12, 2018
6:00pm Pacific/9:00pm Eastern  
Led by @pfanderson @openpeonie & @pat_devine  

Calling all #medlibs !  Pat Devine (@pat_devine), Patricia Anderson (@pfanderson), and Sola Whitehead (@openpeonie) are trying to reinvigorate the Twitter medical librarians community with a rebirth of the #medlibs Twitter chats!

The first chat is this Thursday evening at 9:00pm EDT (6:00 pm PDT). Topic: what do YOU want for the reborn #medlibs chat? This first time, we have a few questions for YOU (and we'll also be making a survey for those of you who can't make the chat for whatever reasons, or reach out to us on Twitter).

1) Are Thursday evenings a good day and time for YOU? If not, what's better? Should we pick one time for all meeting, or alternate times to be accessible to different groups?

2) #MEDLIBS used to be weekly, which was a bit much for some. Is that what you want. or would it be better to try monthly, quarterly, or other?

3) Topics! We have ideas! You have ideas! Let's brainstorm a bit, and find out what YOU want most. 

About #medlibs

Join us on Twitter using the #medlibs hashtag to share your stories and engage with colleagues. Never been to a Twitter chat before? Check out this overview and come on in - all are welcome including first timers, lurkers, students and others interested in the topic and the field.

Friday, May 18, 2018

2018 Meeting Chat


MLA 2018 Meeting Chat
Thursday, May 31, 2018
6:00pm Pacific/9:00pm Eastern  
Led by Nikki Dettmar (@runbrarian) even though she's not there

Take a while to catch up on your work email and reflect after the 2018 meeting in Atlanta. What caught your attention there? What are you and your colleagues/fellow students talking about now that you've settled back in at the office/at school for a week? What's ahead? Come share your thoughts and perspectives!

About #medlibs

Join us on Twitter using the #medlibs hashtag to share your stories and engage with colleagues. Never been to a Twitter chat before? Check out this overview and come on in - all are welcome including first timers, lurkers, students and others interested in the topic and the field.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

New Medical Librarians


New Medical Librarians Chat
Thursday, March 15, 2018
6:00pm Pacific/9:00pm Eastern  

Leader: Nisha Mody @nishamody

Are you new to medical librarianship? Let’s chat about different challenges entering this field, professional engagement, and the upcoming Medical Library Association (MLA) Meeting in Atlanta - MLA 2018! This chat is welcome to anyone in medical librarianship. More experienced librarians are encouraged to provide guidance/tips.

Questions for discussion:

  1. What are the challenges and opportunities for getting involved as a new medical librarian?
  2. How can a new medical librarian become professionally engaged?
  3. What would you like to get out of the annual MLA meeting?
  4. What are some tips for navigating the annual MLA meeting?

About #medlibs

Join us on Twitter using the #medlibs hashtag to share your stories and engage with colleagues. Never been to a Twitter chat before? Check out 
this overview and come on in - all are welcome including first timers, lurkers, students and others interested in the topic and the field.