Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Leadership Development


Leadership Development chat
Thursday, December 17, 2015
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Facilitated by Teresa L. Knott (@tlknott)

When I was voluntold that I would be leading this chat, the suggestion was that we focus on formal leadership development programs. Some of the most visible programs are:

Various state or regional library associations have programs, too – New EnglandMaryland,Texas

 Questions that we might discuss include:
·         Are there key principles for successfully applying?
·         What are the benefits to participating?
·         If you attended more than one, which was better and why?
·         Many of these programs are focused on mid- to upper-level leadership. What topics do you believe earlier career librarians need to know more about?

About #medlibs
Join us on Twitter using the #medlibs hashtag Thursday evening to share your stories and engage with colleagues. Never been to a Twitter chat before? Check out this overview and come on in - all are welcome including first timers, lurkers, students and others interested in the topic and the field.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Journal Club: Research Data Management


Journal Club: Research Data Management
Thursday, December 10, 2015
9:00 PM Eastern / 6:00 PM Pacific

Breaking News: Authors Alisa Surkis (@asurkis) and Kevin Read (@ReadKev) will join us during the discussion! 

We're having a Journal Club discussion Thursday! The article I selected is:

Surkis A, Read K. Research data management. J Med Libr Assoc. 2015 Jul;103(3):154-6. doi: 10.3163/1536-5050.103.3.011. PubMed PMID: 26213510; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4511058. Available at:

There’s a lot to consider and discuss in just a few pages!

Researchers are starting to care about data and data collection, especially since funding could be reliant on a data management plan. Should libraries care about data management? What can libraries do to get started? Have you started to support data management within your institution? Are there any challenges you’ve come across and advice you can share with others?

About #medlibs
Join us on Twitter using the #medlibs hashtag Thursday evening to share your stories and engage with colleagues. Never been to a Twitter chat before? Check out this overview and come on in - all are welcome including first timers, lurkers, students and others interested in the topic and the field.

Monday, November 30, 2015

ACRL Framework redux


ACRL Framework for Information Literacy #medlibs chat 
December 3, 2015 
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Led by Molly Knapp  (@dial_m)

In Febuary 2015 the ACRL introduced "The Framework" as a replacement for the ACRL Standards for information literacy which have been around for a over a decade. You can imagine the buns that have unraveled from this monumental change. But do #medlibs even care? Let's discuss.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Virtual Conferences


Virtual Conferences #medlibs chat 
November 19, 2015 
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Led by Heather Brown  (@hbrarian)

Five years after initial discussions, the Midcontinental Chapter of the Medical Library Association (MCMLA) successfully held its first virtual annual meeting in October 2015. Decreased attendance, rising costs, and availability of planning groups all contributed to the decision to “experiment” with this new meeting alternative.

In this #medlibs chat, learn about the planning process, how the meeting went, and what attendees had to say. Follow the #medlibs hashtag on Thursday, November 19 at 9 p.m. Eastern and join in on the conversation on whether or not this model is a sustainable option for MLA Chapter meetings. Check out this overview and come on in, we are a supportive community and especially welcome students and newcomers.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Open mic chat


Open mic #medlibs chat
November 12, 2015
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific

What is on your mind regarding our field? Were you there for or been following any of the news from #AAMC15 and/or #AAMCMedEd?

This will be a true open mic because your lead moderator has a very important appointment with a friend, paintbrushes, canvas (not with a captial c), and some wine during chat time. Never participated in a Twitter hashtag chat or #medlibs chat before? Check out this overview and come on in, we are a supportive community and especially welcome students and newcomers.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Data Visualization


Data Visualization #medlibs chat 
Thursday, November 5. 2015 
9:00pm Eastern/6:00pm Pacific 
Led by Lisa Federer (@lisafederer)

 Many libraries have begun to provide support for data visualization, which can be a powerful way to convey the stories that data can tell and elucidate patterns that might not otherwise be evident. As information professionals, librarians have many skills that make them excellent partners for students, faculty, researchers, and others interested in learning how to create visualizations that demonstrate their data in coherent and visually appealing ways. In fact, a recent Medical Library Association (MLA) webinar focused on data visualization for librarians (check out the tweets from this session at #mladataviz).

Join the #medlibs chat on Twitter on Thursday, November 5 at 9 pm Eastern/6 pm Pacific to share your ideas, thoughts, and questions on data visualization. We’ll talk about tools for creating various types of visualizations, share examples of cool visualizations, and discuss how libraries can get involved in data visualization. Never been to a Twitter chat before? Check out this overview and come on in - all are welcome including first timers, lurkers, students and others interested in the topic and the field.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Succession Planning


Succession Planning #medlibs chat
Thursday, October 29. 2015
9:00pm Eastern/6:00pm Pacific
Led by Michelle Kraft (@Krafty) 

A few years ago the previous Executive Director, Carla Funk, explained the Medical Library Association's demographics as being shaped like a dumbbell.  There were a lot of librarians who were 60+ on one end, and a lot of librarians in their 20's on the other end.  There were few librarians in the middle.

If you look at Nielsen's Millennials: Breaking the Myths, a nice little graph (bottom of page) supports Carla's observations of MLA's members.  Gen Xers are the second smallest population with the Boomer, Millennials, and Gen Z clearly all tied for 1st place with 24% of the total population.  While Nielsen's information naturally focuses on marketing, a nifty little infographic the Generation Gap in Your Office, discusses the "rapid baby boomer retirement" where Millennials "will be given high levels of responsiblity earlier in their careers than previous generations." Now as a cynical Gen Xer I can tell you I heard that same song back when I was in library school 20 yrs ago and the library schools were clamoring about a large wave of job openings due to retirements.  

While I don't think the library job doors will be thrown wide open and their will be a massive increase in library jobs, there definitely appears to be more people retiring and a lot of open positions announced. In my institution alone there are 5 people who are within 5 years of retiring. One would hope that as a person retires, the library will be able to hire a new person for that position (or another library type position). However, there is also the chance that when the person retires the position retires as well.  

Succession planning isn't just for the job. As President of MLA and a former Board Member I have noticed the generational workplace shift happening within the association.  

Wikipedia says many or most companies that have well-established practices such as:
  • Identify those with the potential to assume greater responsibility in the organization
  • Provide critical development experiences to those that can move into key roles
  • Engage the leadership in supporting the development of high-potential leaders
  • Build a data base that can be used to make better staffing decisions for key jobs
Three of those four practices seem to be important to libraries as well the Medical Library Association.

So here are some things to think about for Thursday night's discussion:

  • How involved is your institution in succession planning? Some are very involved while others are not.
  • How can succession planning work within medical libraries?  Is it something just large academic institutions can do or do hospital librarians have a role?
  • Is it difficult to do succession planning when librarians seem to move around from job to job to gain experience?
  • How do you see MLA using a type of succession planning for the future of the association?

Join us on Twitter using the #medlibs hashtag Thursday evening to share your stories and engage with colleagues.  Never been to a Twitter chat before? Check out this overview and come on in - all are welcome including first timers, lurkers, students and others interested in the topic and the field. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Professional Organization Committees


Professional Organization Committees #medlibs chat
Thursday, October 22. 2015
9:00pm Eastern/6:00pm Pacific
Led by Nikki Dettmar (@eagledawg) 

The Medical Library Association (MLA) has a call out to members to sign up for a committee by the end of the month - but why would you want to do that when you can barely stay on top of your work committees?  

Join the #medlibs discussion on Twitter Thursday at 9pm Eastern to explore more about what professional organization committee membership is (hint: different than work committees!) and how service on one can be beneficial for your career, professional development, and networking with others in the field. We will primarily focus on MLA but welcome discussion about other professional organizations' committee service, library-related or not. 

The deadline to submit a request to join a 2016-17 MLA committee is October 31st (trick or treat?) and the application link is A list of the MLA Committees and their charges is available at 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Show Me The Money!


Show Me The Money! Development #medlibs chat
Thursday, October 15. 2015
9:00pm Eastern/6:00pm Pacific
Led by Emily Hurst @hurstej

Let's face it: money makes the world go round, even in libraryland. Creating deep and sustained relationships with donors can help your library soar. From Friends of the Library programs to naming opportunities, development efforts in libraries can take many forms. Some libraries have well established development programs staffed with with fundraising experts while in others the library Director serves as the Chief Development Officer. No matter how development works in your library this chat will provide an insights into fundraising and basic information that every librarian should be aware of when it comes to development efforts.

Topics for discussion will include:

  • Defining development 
  • Understanding how librarians can support development efforts 
  • How ethics impacts development 
  • A brief overview of resources you can use to expand your fundraising knowledge 

Join us on Twitter using the #medlibs hashtag Thursday evening to share your development stories and engage with colleagues. Even if you aren't currently doing development, learning more about the profession and its importance may help you make valuable connections that will support your future library development efforts. Never been to a Twitter chat before? Check out this overview and come on in - all are welcome including first timers, lurkers, students and others interested in the topic and the field.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Writing and Medical Libraries


Writing & Writing Centers #medlibs Chat
Thursday, October 8, 2015
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific
Led by Carolyn Schubert (@carolynthelib) and a bit by Nikki Dettmar (@eagledawg)

While there is limited evidence of relationships between medical librarians and writing as a process, libraries and writing centers have collaborated and shared spaces to support their students. Carolyn will discuss her experience as an embedded librarian in a writing center last year and the liaison partnership that developed as a result, based off of presentation given at the Mid-Atlantic Writing Center Association conference (MAWCA) in Spring 2015.

Join the discussion on Twitter using the #medlibs hashtag Thursday evening! Never been to a Twitter chat before? Check out this overview and come on in - all are welcome including first timers, lurkers, students and others interested in the topic and the field.

Some questions for consideration during the chat -
  • How do you interact with students during the writing process?
  • How do you/your library interact with other campus support services like writing centers?
  • What are some of the benefits of writing/writing center collaboration? What about challenges?
  • How can a writing center collaboration support the needs of distance students?

Related resources:

Cooke, R., & Bledsoe, C. (2008). Writing Centers and Libraries: One-Stop Shopping for Better Term Papers. The Reference Librarian, 49(2), 119–127. 
Discusses direct library and writing center discussion, but is not specific to health librarianship

Oermann, M. H., Leonardelli, A. K., Turner, K. M., Hawks, S. J., Derouin, A. L., & Hueckel, R. M. (2014). Systematic Review of Educational Programs and Strategies for Developing Students’ and Nurses’ Writing Skills. Journal Of Nursing Education, 54(1), 28-34.
Health student specific but does not address librarians.

Wu, L., Betts, V. T., Jacob, S., Nollan, R., & Norris, T. (2013). Making meaningful connections: evaluating an embedded librarian pilot project to improve nursing scholarly writing. Journal Of the Medical Library Association, 101(4), 323–326.
Health librarian-specific and focused on writing, but not writing centers.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Altmetrics chat


Altmetrics #medlibs chat

Thursday, October 1, 2015
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time

Led by Tara Brigham (@TBrigham)

It has been 10 years since Jason Priem coined the term “altmetrics” in a tweet. What does the future of altmetrics look like? Will it be accepted into the ‘norm’ of bibliometric data (and no longer called altmetrics)? Or will it become only something that certain individuals use to highlight the impact of their publications or research?

Join in the #medlibs hashtag chat on Twitter Thursday, October 1 at 9pm Eastern to explore more about altmetrics and future directions for our field with them. For some additional information, take a look at the resources below and let’s discuss what you think on Thursday.

Additional altmetrics food for thought:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Transcript (we're booked until 2016!) 

Topics & Scheduling Chat

Thursday, September 24, 2015
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time

Led by Nikki Dettmar (@eagledawg)

Thanks to your ideas and interests we haven't had a planning chat since February, but late fall and 2016 will be upon us before you know it! 

Bring your ideas, enthusiasm and calendars - the dynamic networking of #medlibs can't happen by itself without you and some planning.  Also please don't feel that you need to be the expert resource to lead a chat - as long as you have a strong interest, well developed questions, and some resources to share our group hivemind usually takes care of the rest!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Consolidating Hospital Library Services


Consolidating Hospital Library Services 
Thursday, September 17, 2015
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific 
Led by Isaac Huffman and Mike Scully

Librarians took the affiliation of Providence Health & Services and Swedish Health Services as an opportunity to consolidate library services. A library holding group (holding company) model was used to achieve this.

Join Isaac Huffman (Director of System Library Services) and Mike Scully (Medical Librarian) as we discuss how this model was implemented on the #medlibs Twitter chat. Never been to a Twitter chat before? Check out this overview and come on in - all are welcome including first timers, lurkers, students and others interested in the topic and the field.

A pre-publication abstract below details the process:

Creating a library holding group

Objectives: Faced with resource constraints, many hospital libraries have considered some form of joint operations to change with the modern healthcare landscape. This paper outlines how a large health care system created a library holding group to address the pressures facing budget and staffing while building a unified service. This holding company model’s flexibility and ability to expand made it an attractive model for developing a unified service.

Method: After many failures at a full systematization of library services, library leadership shifted its approach for unified operations opting for a library holdings group. Using a holding company as the general model the core objective was to acquire assets in order to grow information services. Four methods of acquiring new resources were identified. These included acquisitions, new sales, partnerships and takeovers. In this manner the organization grew system-wide library services from a zero budget, zero employee entity into a fully formed group inside of a central budget.

Results: The library holding group was able to make 256 external acquisitions (individual budget line item transfers for items like journals and electronic resources.), 9 internal library acquisitions (whole department budget transfers) and 4 partial library acquisitions (partial budget transfers). These acquisitions along with three key resource partnerships and a new service agreement expanded the library footprint and nearly doubled resource access across the health care system. The library staffing model also created additional professional roles while retaining its core employees. This model did have implementation challenges: these included facing negative external image impressions, disruption of library staff duties and roles, and difficulty providing services to select patrons.

Conclusions: Creating a joint operations model that allowed for the case by case inclusion and exclusion of resources and services provided a great deal of flexibility over other all in models attempted in the past. Key lessons included learning how to audit organizational spending and how to sell services to potential acquisitions, and creating a holding group culture that attracted membership. Although many challenges remain the library holding group success points to a viable model of unified operations for libraries, especially for those within a larger corporate entity.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Journal Club: Horizon Report, 2015 Library Edition


Journal Club: Horizon Report, 2015 Library Edition
Thursday, September 10, 2015
9:00 pm Eastern / 6:00 pm Pacific
Led by @TonyNguyen411

We're having a Journal Club discussion Thursday! However, we're going to chat about the latest Horizon Report, 2015 Library Edition instead of an actual journal this go around. 

Quite honestly, I think we can devote a week to each item listed within the report. However, we're going to do a quick gloss over points you would like to discuss. In that regard, it could be a semi-open discussion. 

To help add to the discussion, I want to share the topics not discussed in the 2014 edition:
  • Makerspaces – Makerspaces give educators an opportunity to engage learners in creative, higher-order problem solving through self-directed design, construction, and iteration. While academic libraries are undergoing significant change, the addition of a makerspace may solidify the library as a hub for students to access, create, and engage in hands-on projects.
  • Online Learning – Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have reopened the topic of online learning. Libraries can help facilitate the future of online learning by assisting with media production, connecting to special collections, and curating content.
  • Information Visualization – Researchers and scientists seek new formats that enable them to present complex datasets in a comprehensive manner. A number of skills (aside from technical skills to utilize creative software) were identified with information visualization: data analysis, design thinking, and contextual, inquiry-based exploration.
  • Location Intelligence – A growing facet of location intelligence is location-based services that will provide content customized according to the users’ location. The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, for example, assisted in the creation of a Study Buddy app. This app allows students, through secure authentication, the ability to check-in on their phone, use location data to share their coordinates, and find classroom peers to quickly form a study group.
  • Machine Learning – Speech recognition and semantic applications utilize machine learning that can not only input, retrieve, and interpret data but also learn from it. A number of companies are developing self-service data preparation software that learns and improves based on users’ interactions. Artificial intelligence could assist by mining data and adjusting library services in real time.
Trends Accelerating Technology Adoption in Academic and Research Libraries
  • Rethinking Library Spaces – A number of libraries are expanding to make room for active learning classrooms, media production studios, makerspaces, and other changes conducive to hands-on work.
  • Increasing Value of the User Experience (UX) – User experience is a common term utilized by companies like Amazon, Netflix, and Google. Designing high-quality experiences to help researchers and students navigate massive amounts of data and attract new patrons is a new area for libraries to develop and improve.
Challenges Impeding Technology Adoption in Academic and Research Libraries
  • Improving Digital Literacy – A lack of a consensus on what comprises digital literacy has hindered many libraries from developing adequate policies and programs that address the development of this competency.
  • Managing Knowledge Obsolescence – The rate at which information, software tools, and devices improve and change is exponential. Librarians need the ability and desire to constantly pursue and absorb new technologies and skills.
Join me Thursday with your choice of beverage as we discuss the horizon report and how you would approach this as an individual medical/hospital librarian, in support of your library, as well as for your institution. 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Clinical Research Chat


Clinical Research #medlibs chat
Thursday, September 3, 2015
9 pm Eastern/6 pm Pacific

Dissemination of research is a popular topic in the medical field today. Funding agencies, working with ever-tighter budgets, expect recipients to produce findings, interventions, drugs, and products that have a measurable impact on human health. But researchers don’t always plan for and/or think about disseminating their work in the right way to the right audiences, so that they can demonstrate the impact and secure future funding. Medical librarians (and librarians turned evaluators) have a host of tools available and a relevant skill-set to help in this area.

This Thursday on Twitter we’ll chat about some of these tools, skills, and ideas for providing researchers and clinicians with help in crafting the right message, disseminating it to the right stakeholders, and tracking the impact such actions have. Are you doing any work in this area? Are you using tools to track article-level metrics for individuals, departments, or administrators? Have you provided resources on this topic via your library? If so, please join in the conversation. If you haven’t, join in to learn about an emerging area for libraries and librarians to take the lead.

Chat wrangler this week: @mandosally (Sally Gore, Research Evaluation Analyst, University of Massachusetts Center for Clinical and Translational Science)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

IFLA and Medlibs


IFLA and Medlibs #medlibs chat
Thursday, August 27, 2015
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Led by Michelle Kraft (Krafty)

Last week the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) held their World Library and Information Congress 2015 (WLIC) in Cape Town, South Africa. As the President of the Medical Library Association I attended the congress. While IFLA offers personal memberships, it is an association of associations and its focus (and its name) really indicate that.  For example, only member associations and institutions have voting rights, individual members do not. From my observations and experience, IFLA works to get all library associations together as a group of organizations to address issues that are impacting librarians within their associations. I recall one of the IFLA staff members saying to the meeting of member association presidents something like, "We want to help you help your members."
The WLIC meeting was interesting in that it was like a regular librarian meeting but most of the people who participated were participating as members through their association.  It was also a very diverse conference representing many professions of librarians. There were 3,000 librarians at this meeting. Those who attended were from law librarians, art libraries, and a lot of people from public and school libraries attended.  There were a few medical/health science librarians. To me it was like a giant international ALA meeting, that tends to focus on three areas public librarianship, general academic librarianship, and school librarianship.  
The IFLA leaders spoke a lot about the success of the Lyon Declaration, on access to information and development. 

We, the undersigned, believe that increasing access to information and knowledge across society, assisted by the availability of information and communications technologies (ICTs), supports sustainable development and improves people’s lives. We therefore call upon the Member States of the United Nations to make an international commitment to use the post-2015 development agenda to ensure that everyone has access to, and is able to understand, use and share the information that is necessary to promote sustainable development and democratic societies.

IFLA has been doing a lot to improve access to information around the world. In the Association Membership meeting I saw a lot of different associations discussing the importance of access to information. I don't think anyone at MLA can disagree with this being important, but I did note that there was no mention of health information, just information in general.  If you take a look at their sections and groups, there is only one small section within IFLA that medical librarians naturally fit into.  It is the Health and Biosciences Section.  In order for MLA to be members of IFLA, it costs $11,000 a year. As a member of MLA and as President, I am thinking long and hard about MLA's international presence and what that means to us as an organization, our members, our groups (International Cooperation Sections, Librarians without Borders, the Cunningham Fellowship, and our bilateral agreements with other countries' medical library associations.) 

For this chat please look at
From IFLA:

From MLA:

So we can discuss

  1. MLA's international role as a whole and where you would like us to go and grow and how would that impact our role to our members?
  2. Is IFLA membership necessary to get us where we want to go and grow internationally?
    • If yes then how do we as medical librarians 
      • Improve our presence within IFLA because honestly it is a small group that is easily overshadowed.
      • Get a better return on our $11,000 investment? 
      • How would our members get funded to go to IFLA? We have a lot of trouble getting our members to our own meeting.
  3. If no then what ways do you see MLA attracting new international medical librarians who could add to the diversity of the MLA membership? (This question isn't intended to grow membership but to to get a diverse group of medical librarians from around the world to participate within MLA so that we ALL can learn from each other globally.)
Lots of heady things to talk about. I hope you plan to join us in the discussion.  

Tuesday, August 18, 2015



Podcasts #medlibs chat
Thursday, August 20, 2015
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Led by Sheryl Ramer Gesoff (@PodcastLib)

Join in our #medlibs Twitter chat this week to discuss podcasts. Never been to a Twitter chat before? Check out this overview and come on in - all are welcome including first timers, lurkers, students and others interested in the topic and the field. These and other social media channels have a unique place in the transmission of information, particularly of interest to physicians they can be 
  • a 24 / 7 medical conference, where people can have a continuous conversation rather than a presentation with a few questions and answers and
  • a way to translate research from the page to the floors
Check out Sheryl's interview with Dr. Weingart, host of EMCrit (a top ranked medical podcast), at

Many emergency medicine physicians regularly get their information from social media as part of a movement they call FOAM (free open access to medical education). The movement started in 2002 and there were at least 42 "quality"emergency medicine podcast shows as of 2013.

How can we as librarians promote podcasts and other social media to physicians? 

A good place to start is by listening on our own, both professionally and personally so ...

1. What podcasts do you listen to for fun?

2. What podcasts exist in librarianship?

3. What are ways we can promote podcasts to physicians and other health care professionals. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

#medlibs + #meded: Better Together Again

Transcript from #medlibs side -

Transcript from #meded side -

Theme: Digital Resources in #meded (Co-Chat with #medlibs)
Posted by MedEd Chat (Twitter) on Thursday, August 13, 2015

#medlibs and #meded Combined Chat
Topic - Electronic Resources 
Thursday August 13, 2015
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Co-herded facilitated by @RyanMadanickMD and Nikki Dettmar (@eagledawg)

It's been a long time since our last combined #meded & #medlibs chat in September!

This week we'll join forces again to discuss the opportunities, challenges and questions we have both from a medical education and a health sciences library perspective regarding electronic resources.

Our planned discussion questions are:

  1. What role do eBooks currently play in #meded & training? How could #medlibs help teach their optimal use?
  2. Besides eBooks, what other e-resources do you use in teaching/learning? How can #medlibs help curate/recommend resources?
  3. What's the future of digital teaching/learning resources in #meded? How will this affect the role of #medlibs in academic centers?

Join us! All are welcome, especially first timers and students, Never participated in a Twitter chat before? Read this overview and come on in remembering to include both the #medlibs #meded hashtags, we're a supportive and welcoming online community.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Great Orientations


Orientations #medlibs chat
Thursday, August 6, 2015
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Led by Amy Blevins, Roy Brown & Nikki Dettmar

Now that you've refreshed your Hits from the Lit material from last week, what else are you planning for engaging students, residents, and other newcomers during orientation as they begin employment or return to class this fall? Join with your colleagues to share your ideas and plans. Your team leaders range from the well experienced (Amy and Roy) to a first timer (Nikki) who is not averse to using chocolate as a strategy.

Never participated in a Twitter chat before? Check out this overview and come on in, we're a supportive community!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Hits from the Lit

Hits from the Lit
Thursday, July 30, 2015
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time
Led by Molly Knapp (@dial_m)

It's been well over a year since the last Hits from the Lit. Let's reconvene and share your favorite citations you've encountered while mucking around in the database trenches. We'll have a healthy laugh and get back to the serious business of #medlibs after this week.

Suggested (but certainly not limited to) categories:

Never participated in a Twitter chat before? Check out this overview and come on in, we're a supportive community!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Oral History chat


Oral History #medlibs chat
Thursday, July 23, 2015

9:00 pm Eastern/ 6:00 pm Pacific
Led by Jana Lieberman

Come and join us on Twitter during the #medlibs chat for an informal discussion about the ”whys”, “wherefores”, and “hows” of oral history techniques that everyone can use. The Oral History Association defines oral history as: A field of study and a method of gathering, preserving and interpreting the voices and memories of people, communities, and participants in past events. All of us can participate in oral history projects personally or at our institutions in order to preserve memories or provide continuity for current practices.

The Medical Library Association (MLA) has an Oral History Committee who has been completing oral histories with notable medical librarians since the 1970s. More information about the oral history project can be found at: MLA has developed an oral history manual which guides the work of the committee and gives insight into MLA practices.

We’ll see what we are already doing, talk about methods, and brainstorm future projects within our institutions and beyond! Come and join us!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Institutional Repositories Chat


Institutional Repositories: Thoughts on Making It Real
Thursday, July 16, 2015
9:00 PM Eastern/6:00 PM Pacific

Are you considering standing up an institutional repository? Have experience standing up an institutional repository? Join us on Twitter for our #medlibs chat as we discuss institutional repositories (IR) on with Jimmy Ghaphery (@jimmyghaphery), head of Digital Technologies at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Libraries, as our special guest.

Just over a year ago, the VCU Libraries stood up an institutional repository, Scholars Compass, using Bepress software. Electronic theses and dissertations were shifted from DSpace to Scholars Compass.

According to Wikipedia, an institutional repository (IR) is an online archive for collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution.

There are many approaches to setting up IRs:
  • Choosing and customizing a platform
  • Open source or commercial
  • Local or hosted
  • Mediated use or self-service access
  • Policies and procedures
  • Defining success
  • Relationship to national repositories

Please bring your expertise and/or questions for this conversation on setting up an institutional repository.

Selected resources:
Burns, C. S., Lana, A., & Budd, J. M. (2013). Institutional repositories: Exploration of costs and value. D-Lib Magazine, 19(1-2). doi:10.1045/january2013-burns
Connolly, Ann.  bepress (2015). How am I Doing? A Framework for Repository Benchmarking

Salo, D. (2013). How to scuttle a scholarly communication initiative. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 1(4), eP1075. doi:10.7710/2162-3309.1075

Open Source IRs:
Proprietary IR software:
Digital Commons (Bepress)