Thursday, August 14, 2014

Special Tuesday Chat: FDA Social Media


FDA Guidelines on Social Media #medlibs chat
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
2pm Eastern/11am Pacific
Led by Patricia Anderson (@pfanderson)

The FDA has released their new draft guidelines for use of social media, and the end of the comment period is rapidly approaching (September 18, 2014). David Harlow, a health policy expert and lawyer, is recommending that people consider these guidelines in the context of recent FDA Warning Letters, some of which are rather surprising. 

When implemented, there is potential for these guidelines to impact on the use of social media by corporations, but also by clinicians, medical educators, researchers, students, and more. It may impact on how students are taught to use social media, or to avoid its use. As medical librarians, we should be aware of this, and consider commenting. 

How could you see these impacting on your own job? Do you agree or disagree with the guidelines? How would you change them if you could?


Anderson, PF. FDA On Social Media: Time to Pay Attention, Take Two

Federal Register. Draft Guidance for Industry on Internet/Social Media Platforms: Correcting Independent Third-Party Misinformation About Prescription Drugs and Medical Devices; Availability:

FDA: Warning Letters: 2014: Zarbee’s, Inc. 6/27/14:

Harlow, David. #FDAsm – FDA Releases Draft Social Media Guidance Five Years After Public Hearing

Harlow, David. FDA Social Media Guidance – Hangout on Air

Join us on Twitter for a 1 hour discussion. Never participated in a Twitter hashtag chat or #medlibs before? Check out this overview and come on in, we are a supportive community and welcome all newcomers. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Thursday Night #medlibs On Break for August

Due to a notable decline in participation and availability (work/vacation balance is a good thing!) observed during the past few weeks, your lead #medlibs moderator (Nikki Dettmar @eagledawg) has made an executive decision to honor her French heritage and be an Augustist: The Thursday night chat will take the month of August on holiday!

Our next regular scheduled Thursday night chat (more details later):

Interprofessional Education #medlibs chat
Thursday, September 4, 2014
9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific
Led by Roy Brown (@CarolinaFan1982)

Stay tuned for details of special off-schedule chats in the interim during daytime hours! Interested in hosting one? Tweet Nikki (@eagledawg) about what subject you'd like to host & when and we'll include it here.