Friday, February 21, 2014

Journal Club: Library and Information Services in Patient Care

Edit: Transcript available at 

#medlibs Journal Club Chat 
Thursday, February 27, 2014 
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time  

Our inaugural Journal Club chat seemed popular so we're going to try it again. In preparation for Thursday's chat, try to read the following article:

Marshall JG, Sollenberger J, Easterby-Gannett S, Morgan LK, Klem ML, Cavanaugh SK, Oliver KB, Thompson CA, Romanosky N, Hunter S. The value of library and information services in patient care: results of a multisite study. J Med Libr Assoc. 2013 Jan: 101(1):38-46. doi: 10.3163/1536-5050.101.1.007. PubMed PMID: 23418404; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3543128. Available at: Accessed February 21, 2014.

Why was this article chosen?
  1. Anyone can read it FREE on PubMed Central. Who doesn't love free?
  2. This article is pre-approved by the MLA for 1 MLA CE contact hour in the MLA Independent Reading Program (IRP).
  3. Medical and Health Sciences Libraries should strongly think about the value of their library and information services in patient care. Aside from resources, what other services should we think about?
More information about the MLA IRP can be found here: After our discussion, you can fill out he IRP Article Analysis Application: and submit payment for CE credit. Please note that 3 MLA CE Contact Hours a year can be obtained with IRP.

Here's the framework I'd like to try out for Journal Club. As you read the article, consider the following in 131 characters. (The #medlibs tag does take some space and we need it to see what's discussed.)
  • xx:05 or xx:10 - Facts: While we have to discuss Facts, it's rather boring to do so in the #medlibs discussion. However, let's consider the following - Were there any facts that stand out and interested you? What strengths/weaknesses did the authors identify that you picked up on? What implications did the authors find?
  • xx:25 - Interpretation: This will be the bulk of our discussion. Did you agree with the Methods used in the research project? Did the interviews help or hinder the survey results? What did you find as strengths and weaknesses of the article yourself? Is there anything missing that the survey could have asked?
  • xx:40 - Implications: After reading this article, can you apply these findings to your own work? Are there things that you can take away from this article and implement in your own setting? What would you like to do to enhance patient care in your setting?
Have a good 'read' and get ready to critique and discuss this article and how this may impact your work. I know from any and all previous Twitter chats we may diverge from the topic at hand and that's perfectly fine. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday's #medlibs chat!

Never participated in a Twitter #medlibs chat before? Check out this overview and join us, we're a supportive community. See you Thursday, February 27th 9pm EST/6pm PST.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Beyond the Happy Surveys: Library Instruction Assessment

Edit: Transcript available at

Evaluation of Library Instruction and Information Management Competencies
Thursday, February 20, 2014
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time
#medlibs Twitter chat

Join Marie Ascher (@mascher) for a discussion on evaluation and assessment of instruction and competencies.

We’re teaching but are they learning? Let’s talk about the different ways we are assessing our clientele’s ability to find, assess, use, and manage information. Are we still using “happy surveys” for evaluation or are we looking at outcomes? What works? Are any of us employing strategies at our institutions that might benefit our colleagues elsewhere? Anyone developed local instruments and tools? Are you using standardized instruments? And how do these work in the health sciences library setting? What’s working for you and do you have buy-in from your administration? How do you use the information you get from assessment to influence future sessions? Does assessment data help make the case for more information literacy in the curriculum?

Here are some basic resources worth looking at for this discussion.

ACRL Objectives for Information Literacy Instruction: A Model Statement for Academic Librarians

ACRL Research Agenda for Library Instruction and Information Literacy

Blevens, C.L. Catching up with information literacy assessment: Resources for program evaluation. College & Research Libraries News 2012; 73(4): 202-206.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Love & Hate in Medical Libraries

Edit: Transcript available at 

Love & Hate in Medical Libraries
Thursday, February 13, 2014
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time
#medlibs Twitter chat

One day you are Katrina and the Waves and you are "Walkin' on Sunshine" everything is good and falling into place.  Your searches are matching up just perfectly with MeSH, patrons are writing thank you emails, the CEO just praised you, and a new project is going like gang busters.  Life in the library is perfect.

BUUUT the next day (or week) you are Joan Jett growling, "I Hate Myself for Loving You" as nothing you do seems to be working.  PubMed keeps crashing, patrons are upset because you can't get the article from the  Journal of Big Toe Science written in Hindi rushed the same day and translated into English, your budget was cut more than expected, and administration or IT (take your pick) throws cold water all over your pet project.  Life in the library is like a bad relationship, where "I Love To Hate You" from Erasure can be the norm sometimes.

Like any career, medical librarianship has its ups and downs.  Friday is Valentine's Day and to get in the spirit the #medlibs Twitter chat group will be having fun discussing our love/hate relationships with medical librarianship. 

So grab some wine and chocolate, after all it is the day before Valentine's Day and curl up with your laptop and chat with us this Thursday 9pm eastern.  Don't forget to follow the word #medlibs to watch and participate in the discussion.  Lurkers and late arrivals are welcome.  Nikki Dettmar and I will be moderating and we look forward to seeing you online.

For more information or questions tweet @eagledawg or @krafty or drop us an email.
(post duplicated on

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

6 February chat on the 2014 Horizon Report

Edit: Transcript available at

Horizon Report Chat
Thursday, February 6, 2014
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time
#medlibs Twitter chat

Join Patricia Anderson (@pfanderson) and Kimberley Barker (@KR_Barker) for a discussion of the 2014 Horizon Report.

Technology highlighted in the report includes:
Flipped classroom, Learning Analytics, 3D printing, Games & Gamification, Quantified Self, and Virtual Assistants.

Key trends accelerating adoption include: growing ubiquity of social media; integration of online, hybrid, and collaborative learning; rise of data-driven learning assessment; shift from students as consumers to students as creators; agile approaches to change; evolution of online learning.

Significant challenges to adoption include: low digital fluency of faculty; relative lack of rewards for teaching; competition from new models of education; scaling teaching innovations; expanding access; keeping education relevant.

As the report is so dense, we won’t be able to cover everything; if there are particular technologies, accelerants, and barriers that you want to be sure are included, please tweet us! Have a look:
We’re looking forward to being with you :)