Week 3: Developing a Research Data Management Curriculum and Course
Thursday, August 29, 2013
9:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Pacific time
#medlibs Twitter chat
Week 1 recap is here, Week 2 recap is here.
First Twitter chat and not sure what to do? Here's a Quick Guide to Twitter Chats to help!
Project Overview
The New England Collaborative Data Management Curriculum is a publicly available resource that you are free to take and adapt for your data management teaching needs.
From August 2010 through December 2011, the Lamar Soutter Library at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and the George C. Gordon Library at Worcester Polytechnic Institute collaborated received an IMLS grant to develop an instructional framework (http://library.umassmed.edu/
In 2012-2013, the Lamar Soutter Library at the University of Massachusetts Medical School partnered with librarians from the Marine Biological Laboratory and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Northeastern University, Tufts University, and University of Massachusetts at Amherst on a grant from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, New England Region to implement these frameworks, authoring the content necessary for a research data management course to teach essential research data management skills to science and medical researchers. Project deliverables include the content for an online textbook, activities, and lecture slides.
The seven modules are based on the NSF data management plan recommendations and cover an overview, data types and related aspects of records management, metadata, storage, back up, and security, legal and ethical aspects of data management, considerations for data sharing, and preservation.
The curriculum can be adapted in many ways. Each module could be taught separately or librarians needing a 90-minute overview course can download and adapt module 1. For those having more time, the curriculum is case based, and the instructor can guide students through a case study and then connect content from each of the modules to support writing a data management plan for that particular case. Students can then be assigned their own cases and can work independently or in groups to analyze a case and create a data management plan.
Visit here for a sample of the Module 1 Textbook that can be adapted for a 90-minute course:
Visit here for a sample of Module 1 Slides that can be adapted for a 90-minute course:
For an example of what the slides look like customized to an institution, please view this example at UMMS:
Guiding Questions for Tweet Chat August 29th
What opportunities do we have to embed and teach data management to health sciences students?
Is there an interest in using and adapting these materials? If so, would you be interested in taking part in an evaluation project?
Would you be interested in expanding and submitting a case study to the collection (original cases can be viewed here: http://library.umassmed.edu/
What are the important data management issues we should be covering?
When you adapt the curriculum, what data management planning tools or resources will you recommend for students? (e.g. DMPTool)
What local and institutional resources and contacts do you point your students and faculty to get data management support?
What are the most important data management best practices that we can teach to students?
Save the Date! For upcoming programming on using this resource:
Inaugural e-Science for New England Librarians webinar on October 31, 2013 from 12 -1 pm: Teaching with Module 1 and Writing a Data Management Plan, taught by Regina Raboin, Tufts University
Scientific Research Data Management Professional Development Workshop on November 8, 2013
The Scientific Research Data Management Professional Development Workshop is intended for librarians interested in teaching faculty and students about aspects of managing research data and developing data management plans. It will provide attendees the opportunity to experience a regionally-developed and case-based data management curriculum as learners, and familiarize them with the New England Collaborative Data Management Curriculum resources that they can then use for teaching at their own institutions. The workshop will be taught by Elaine Martin, Andrew Creamer, and Donna Kafel, and will be held at the Beechwood Hotel, 363 Plantation St., Worcester (across from the UMMS campus). Class size will be limited to 40 attendees who will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.
The five week schedule includes:
August 15th: Donna Kafel e-Science portal
August 22nd: Kevin Read e-Science thesaurus
August 29th: Andrew Creamer New England Collaborative Data Management Curriculum
Sept. 5: Sally Gore Role of the informationist on research teams
Sept. 12:Lisa Palmer & Kate Thornhill Institutional repositoriesand open access