Thursday, June 27, 2013

#medlibs chat for 6/27/2013 Reputation Management

Edit: Transcript available at (feel better soon & thanks Kimberley! - Nikki) 

Hi, everybody!

My apologies for the lateness of this post, but work swamped me and I am passing a kidney stone so a visit to the doctor and then the pharmacy was very much in order :)

Tonight's topic is on reputation management, a subject that should be of concern to everyone (and one that is becoming a huge business).

I teach a CE class on this topic for members of the UVA Health System at least once per semester. Please find the notes for the latest iteration of the class here. It might be helpful to skim through these before the chat (in the little time that I've left you!) so that I can answer any questions.

I also do individual consults on the topic and am very proud of the fact that, upon my recommendation and the strength of the facts that I presented, the UVA Health System is working towards a contract with a reputation management company.

Kimberley R. Barker, MLIS
Manager for Technology Education & Computing
Claude Moore Health Sciences Library
University of Virginia

Friday, June 21, 2013

Open mic #medlibs summary - July 20th

Last night was another open mic night on #medlibs. 

Transcript here:

Topics included summer projects, taking a face to face class online, crowdsourcing and ageism.

Join us next Thursday, July 27th, 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern for a discussion on Reputation Management with @KRBarker.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Open Mic/Summer Planning

Future Topics discussed June 14, 2013 - transcript with more ideas to be pulled from it soon. Please commit by filling in the form below our Schedule so Nikki can add you to blog + Google calendar, and thanks!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Information Professionals in the Bioinformatics Realm: what we need to know?

Edit: Transcript available at

After attending the Woods Hole BioMedical Informatics course last week at the beautiful Marine Biological Laboratory, it makes one think where/how librarians and information professionals fit into it all.

Some topics to consider...
  • Where exactly can we contribute the most to bioinformatics?
  • How do we get involved with the EHRs and EMRs at our institutions?
  • The importance of usability and UX design in organizing healthcare data
  • How do we market our expertise in the growing field of informatics?
  • The national agenda and policy on health information technology
  • Semantic and relational databases for enhanced information retrieval
  • Lobsters :)  
Here are links to my Google Doc notes from each day/lecture (Day 1 was just a reception and welcome talk so the notes start on day 2):
  • Day 2 - What is Biomedical Informatics?, Database and Terminology, Semantic Medline
  • Day 3 - Mathematical Modeling, Clinical Decision Support (CDS)
  • Day 4 - Genetics and Genomics, Clinical Informatics Research
  • Day 5 - Care Provider Order Entry (CPOE), Infobuttons, Human Computer Interaction
  • Day 6 - National Health IT, Meaningful Use, Health Info. Exchange, Telehealth

I hope you can join us this Thursday, June 6 at 6pm PST (9pm EST) for this special #medlibs chat!