Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year #medlibs!

Edit: Transcript available at  

On Thursday, January 10th 2013 at 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern, join us to add your voice to the ideas from the last chat in December on directions for 2013 - and sign up to take a role in having them happen.

Effective immediately, Nikki Dettmar will only be able to moderate/reliably participate on the second Thursday of each month due to a number of work and professional organization commitments that are increasing this year. To be more direct: this means that if others do not step up to take on development, promotion, hosting & archiving #medlibs chat duties on other Thursdays, that chat will be it for the month. We have many great ideas that will take a lot of others pitching in to help - especially where a potential journal club & interprofessional Twitter hashtag chats are involved. Many hands (and connections) make light work!

Never participated in a Twitter hashtag chat before? Check out this overview and come on in! We're a supportive community going through some exciting changes ahead and especially welcome library school students and others who are new to both the field and Twitter. 

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