Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Covidence Chat

Transcript: http://bit.ly/2bGDoVk

Conducting Systematic Reviews with Covidence Chat
September 1, 2016
6:00pm Pacific/9:00pm Eastern  

Presenter: Dr Julian Elliott, CEO of Covidence 

Covidence is a web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic reviews. Reviewers can keep all their data in one place and collaborate easily with their team no matter where they are based.

Covidence is a non-profit service for the systematic review community and is now partnering with Cochrane to make Covidence more widely available. Covidence is the standard platform for Cochrane Reviews and is being taken up by academics all over the world.

Dr Julian Elliott is Head of Clinical Research in the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Alfred Hospital and Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. He is also Cochrane's lead for Evidence Systems and a Senior Research Fellow at the Australasian Cochrane Centre. Please join us as he answers questions and discusses the story behind Covidence.

Some questions we'll discuss (please bring your questions and moderator Nikki Dettmar (@runbrarian) will add them to the list:

  1. What can Covidence do to help me and my faculty get reviews done?
  2. How do I access Covidence?

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